303. Happy Ramadhan!

For all my friends, who celebrate the Ramadhan, I'd like to say... Happy Ramadhan to you all! I am sorry for all the wrongs that I might have done to you all. God bless you always!

Ramadhan holiday is a busy time for me... because there are many of my parents' friends are staying for holiday in Bali. So we are busy visiting and going out with them. In addition, my mum's brothers are also here, which means that we have to make time to see them as well. Right now at my house, it feels like a children dormitory!! Three of my cousins are here and one of them is a 7 month old baby. Can you imagine how crowded and busy the house is (with 4 children and one baby). Right now, I feel so tired... so, I better end this post! *hugs*
God never promises that life will be an easy straight-way journey.
There are times when we need to turn to the right or to the left, change the gear, adjust the speed...
And times, where we find a 'traffic jam', a flat tire...
But He promises that He will always be by our sides.
And He never lies.

It's the same also in our relationship.
There might be the times where we fight each other, feel like giving up and cannot cope anymore...
But I have faith in His promises to always be close to us and His declaration that He approves our relationship and favors it.
Because He never lies.

nie, 22 Oct 2006


  1. Hallo, Selamat Lebaran juga yah.. :) (walau ga ngerayain, ikutan maaf2an kan gpp, he3... :P).

    Btw, 303 tu apa sih?? Nomer entry-kah?? :)

  2. Sherly....
    ikutan seneng deh everything went very well when Lan was there.

    Mo liat foto2nya Lan dunk...so are you going to study again when you're back?.....

  3. Sherly.. sowii nih baru mampir..

    btw kebayang deh gmn crowded nya rumah.. hehehehhe.. 3 anak plus baby pulak.. selamat yah sher.. :) selamat menikmati tangisan bayi ditengah malam... whuheuehuehueu

  4. iyah
    kabari ya tggl tepatnya :)
    i miss you very mych, sista

    can wait till the day

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