Lagi sumpek...

Di tengah-tengah dag-dig-dug menanti datangnya Lan, aku lagi ngerasa sumpek banget di rumah. There is someone, who came and being so nosy... Staying for two weeks and hasn't showed any sign that she's going to leave my house.
If I don't consider her as somebody, whom I have to respect, I would gladly and openly ask her to leave this house immediately.
Sorry for being so harsh and rude, but her attitude and words are undeniably sharp and painful to the listener. Any negative attitude you can think of, she has them...
God, please give me the patience to bear the presence of this person.

I have tried to be considerate, but sorry, you are somebody, who doesn't even deserve that compensation. God, forgive me for being so rude.


  1. ga ada lan seh...getu deh... :p

  2. lho sherly, kamu udah pindah di blog baru tho sekarang? ya ampunnn. nggak bil bil.

    jadi sekarang udah ada dimana? salam ya buat kekasih tercintrongnya. kapan nih tanggal mainnya? *wink wink*

  3. Tenang Sher, kalo Lan udah datang juga kamu bahkan gak bakal notice kalo orang itu ada di rumahmu, hehehe.

  4. tenang sher.... cuekin aja lagi...

    ada yang gak sabar nunggu besok neh... hehahhahehhhaha... sabar-sabar....

    udah deg-deg an nunggu tgl 4 ya....

  5. Loh, koq jadi kayak curhatnya adikku 2 minggu yg lalu ya?? Ada tamu yg ke rumahku trus adikku nggak seneng sama dia... :D

  6. Kita toch 'gak bisa mbo'ongin diri sendiri saat kita tidak menyukai seseorang. Sabar sajalah Nie (walaupun kalo kejadiannya pas di aku udah tajem aja lidahku.. hihi.. ketauan deh).

    Lan udah di sana kan? Enjoy your time yach. :)

  7. Sher, iya emang kadang kita diuji Tuhan juga untuk hidup dalam beberapa hari bersama orang orang kaya gitu, tabah tabah say...semoga dalam waktu dekat tu orang uda angkat kaki dari situ ya ;)...

    XXX Shierly


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