One more night
My heart is beating so fast...
One more night! Several more hours!
I will see him again, very very soon...
After exactly one whole month, we have not seen each other,
Finally, I am meeting him again tomorrow night.
My heart is full with joy and happiness.
I can't stop thanking God.
I still can't believe that he is really coming (but I have too!)
I am so so so happy! :D
One more night! Several more hours!
I will see him again, very very soon...
After exactly one whole month, we have not seen each other,
Finally, I am meeting him again tomorrow night.
My heart is full with joy and happiness.
I can't stop thanking God.
I still can't believe that he is really coming (but I have too!)
I am so so so happy! :D
dag dig dug....
ReplyDeleteasiknyaa yg sudah mao melepas rindu
happy trus ya say!! semoga acara ketemu camer lancar total =)
Do you know that we are also ikutan feeling excited...... All the best for your tomorrow meeting ketemu camer ;)
ReplyDeletehahahaha. duhhh, yang mau ketemu yayangnya. jadi inget masa-masa awal cinta bersemi dan berkembang. itu muka gampang banget jadi merah kuning ijo (emangnya traffic light, hahaha). sekarang sih udah anteng. kalau ada traffic light malah kena tanya: "kenapa lo?? is there a problem?"
ReplyDelete:D :D
sekali lagi: sana deh sayang2an sampe puas yaaaa!
wuih hari ini ya!
ReplyDeletesik asiiiik bisa dibelai:p
Wah, tinggal sehari lagi nih.... :) Selamat hepi hepi yaa... :D
ReplyDeleteOya, btw kalo tinggal 1 hari rasanya jam berdetak jadi tambah lambat loh... :)
ReplyDeletetips dari gue kalo lagi gugup loncat loncat aja, gue biasa nya gitu.
ReplyDeletecie... cie... sekarang nih harinya... pasti udah ketemu niy... gimana tuh.. cerita-cerita donk... heheheh
ReplyDeletetoday is the day...pasti ngga ada waktu ngapdet blog deh, secara lagi sibuk sama lan... :)
ReplyDeleteditunggu laporannya yaaa...GBU
have a nice day 4 u Sherly
ReplyDeletehehehehe... dudududu yang heppi... baek2 ya sher... jgn lupa posting...
ReplyDeleteehm...ehm...ehm...yang lagi ketemuaaan...cerita dooongg...btw semua acara baptisan lan lancar deh yaa...
ReplyDeletei'm so happy for you....when's going to be the big day?
ReplyDeletegimana? udah ketemu kan? :D
ReplyDeleteGini kali, ya:
ReplyDeleteyow.. yow.. Happy moment yow..
Yeaaah..!! :-D
Duh.. senangnya... ;-)
waaaaa kebayang sherrr..dag dig dug duaarr..
ReplyDeleteSher, ditunggu laporan lengkapnya!!!
ReplyDeleteselamat bersenang2 yah say...
ReplyDeletewah.. lagi kangen2an ya? hehehehe..
ReplyDeletesherlyyy!! aku jadi ikut deg2an .. hahahaa!
ReplyDeletewaaaaaaa yang lagi kasmaran...have fun yaaa
ReplyDeleteWuaaallaahhh, yg lagi bahagia :)...enjoy your time with Lan Sher...duhhh, jadi pen ngintip neh dari jauh he he he...have a wonderful weekend Sherly & Lan ;)
ReplyDeleteXXX Shierly