Fly to the moon heaven

As you all know, Lan arrived on Wednesday from Beijing. I was so happy to see him again, my heart was pounding so fast when I picked him up in front of the arrival gate at Ngurah Rai Airport.
He's staying at my house, at my brother's room to be exact. We have so much to talk about together... He is doing well; having a great time with my little brother and sister and adjusting well with my family. Somehow, Lan manages to comunicate with Han-han and Grace. I don't know how, but they just get along so well. Fyi, Lan can't speak Indonesian.
He and my parents get along well, too. We haven't talked seriously yet, because at the moment, there is a guest from London staying at my house. So we are extremely busy and I am extremely tired (while I'm typing this posting).
Tomorrow, we plan to go on a tour (with my dad as the driver, hehehe) around Bali to show the guest and Lan the main attractions (or famous places) of Bali. Hopefully, they will enjoy the tour and have a great day.

I think that's all for now. I am too tired to type a long post. So... I hope all of you have a great weekend! God bless you!
I admit that I am a selfish person when it comes to you...
I asked TIME to run fast, when I was waiting for you to come.
But I want TIME to freeze, once you are near me.

TIME... how great it is to be able to control you.
But only God has the power to do so.
We just have to flow in His time.

nie, 06 Oct 2006


  1. cieeeh yang lagi hepiii
    aku ikutan hepi

  2. wuuiiiiiih!
    yg mo in de hoy!:P
    tp ada Bokap, ga bs macem2 deh;)

    *jd iri* ;p

  3. Wah wah, pasti lg di surga nih, he3.... :P :P :P

    Moga2 happiness-nya everlasting yah... :)

  4. Wah wah, pasti lg di surga nih, he3.... :P :P :P

    Moga2 happiness-nya everlasting yah... :)

  5. hehehe ikutan heppy juga..... met jalan jalan yaaaaaaaaah :)

  6. cenengnya yg dah ketemu ya2nk... jadi mupenk :p

    btw, lan brp hari disana? salam buat lan yak :D

  7. Wuih... yang seneng bnget.... serasa di awang-awang ya.... hehehhehe.... met hepi ya.... :)

  8. mo comment apa yah?... soalnya udah dapat kabar langsung dari e-mail. jadi bingung kak.

  9. caelah yang sibukkk....sibuk tapi hepi dong ye *pijitin*
    have a great days with lan yaaaa :)

  10. duhhh yang capek. tapi tetep berseri-seri kan? haahahhahahaha. pokoknya aku doain terus wes. biar bisa lancar terus ke depan2nya ya sher.

  11. senengnyaaa yang lagi dikunjungin. ikut seneng nih, Sher!
    enjoy your happy moments...

  12. wah yang udah ketemu ama yayang nya.. and pasti lagi asik jalan2 yah hehehe.. ok deh smoga hari2 nya menyenangkan yah...

  13. siiiiiiiipppppppp wahh seneng banget ya, pasti dalam segala kecapekannya kamu masih bisa tertidur sambil tersenyum dan jangan jangan dalam setiap keadaan sherly senyum terus (kayak orang gila dong) hehehe

  14. deu... yg gi dikunjungi... deg deg serrrr... ikutan seneng sher...:)

  15. wah...ehm...ehm... disini berasa dunia penuh bunga eeuuy...hehehehehe...enjoy your time with him sis...

  16. deuuuuuuuu..
    yg udah ketemu pacar lagi..
    ehh calon misua :p
    huhuhu aq mupeng pngen keliling bali juga :(

  17. wah wah.. getting serious ya, sher.
    kapankah??? :wink2:

  18. ciyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh yang fiancenya dateng..
    met pacaran ya sher..
    enjoy d time, quality time tuh.. ehhehehe..

  19. have fun...

    love ur "TIME" poem girl.. =D

  20. wah indahnyaaaaaaaaaaa. bahagiannyaaaaaa!!!


  21. suit..suit....dunia serasa milik berdua, yg lain ngontrak..*pletak*...

    be happy ya Sher...

  22. Maaf baru sempat mampir lagi ya Sher, dah ketinggalan banyak cerita deh :).

    Senangnyaaaa lagi didatangin ma tunangan. Seru dong jalan²nya Sher..?

  23. cihuuuuii yang dah ketemu lagiii....aku ikut seneng sher :)

  24. Met Hepi2 ya Sher..
    Cape2 juga pasti dengan hati berbunga2.. hehe
    Sher, Lily ikut senang ya..
    Pergunakan aja waktu sebaik2nya

  25. Syik asyiikkk nimatin hari hari bersama Lan Sher, dan jan lupa tanyain pendapat Mom & Dad about Lan ;) [penting juga itu say] Restu orang tua selalu nomor satu :) ce ileh... Happy weekend to you, Lan and all the family out there.


    XXX Shierly

  26. Wah, Sherly!
    Turut berbagi kesenangan yah sist! Moga-moga jodoh dan cepetin kelarin kuliahmu nduk, teros nanti kalau di ajak merit dah gag ada beban lagi..

    hihi.. kejauhan daku ngomongnya yah Sher? hihi.. sawan toa kuh jadi kambuh!

  27. selamat 'honeymoon' kekekekeekekkk
    *kaburrrrrr takut dijitak*


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