Especially for you: Mother.

Today, as I said previously, is my Mum's birthday. It's her 42nd year of life. No fancy gifts for her, only a little greeting card from me. But, I'm sure it still is meaningful for her. For me, it is a special gift, because it contains my gratefulness and thankfulness to my Jesus for giving me such a special mother, and my thankfulness to her for being who she is all this time, a mother to me and my siblings. I feel that 'thank you' is never enough when it's compared to what she's done for me since the first time I was in her womb, but from her point of view, a little 'thank you' might be able to put a smile on her face.
That's what most important about it. To make her smile. To make her happy.

In my life, these are the important things: To please my Jesus by obeying Him. To make my parents happy. And, if I become a wife in the future, be a good wife and have a happy family. Sounds simple, but not so easy, huh?

Well, during dinner at Widuran Resto, after a phonecall from Oma, my mum mentioned about how all Oma's children don't even take care of her. (Oma is not my blood-related grandma, but she takes me as her grand-daughter). My mum, then, continued about her thought that one day, she might be in the same situation, too. That is, when she (and my dad, too) grows older, none of her children will take care of her (or him). I said that it will never happen that way, because I will not let it happen. Never.
After all that they have done for us (I and my siblings) and how they teach everyone of us, I am very sure that none of us will ignore our parents when they grow older. And I will make sure of that. :)
There are no fancy words.
Only gratefulness and thankfulness to our Jesus Christ for who you are.
And prayers for blessings, wisdom, peace and joy continually pour out in your life from Heaven.
And thankfulness to you, for being the best Mother in my world.
I love you, Mum!

Jesus bless you and be with you always.




  1. beautiful post, dear

    i'm sure you and ur siblings will make your mummy proud =DD

    selamat ulang tahun yang Tante!!

  2. sher....Happy New Year yah.....sorry lama nggak mampir lg semedi aja nih ben dapet pahala he..he..sher mo nanya cara hapus comments di haloscan gimana sih? soalnya aku dah coba tapi nggak iso..tolong ya sher thanks GBU.

  3. nice post sher .. aku jadi kangen mamaku di Malang, hiks! Selamat Ulang Taun, Tante .. wish you all the best!

  4. Happy B'day ya untuk momnya Sher..
    Panjang umur, sehat & bahagia selalu.

    Sher, sori ya lama ga jalan2 di tempat kamu, tp walau gitu pasti akan aku kunjungi walau sekali baca borongan.. hehe
    Sher, be strong ya.. turut sedih dengan apa yang terjadi dengan kamu & Lan.
    GBU always..

  5. sher, i'm so proud with u want take care ur parents. i also always want take my parents cause without them , no me or u hehe....
    Say happy birthday 2 ur mom.
    have nice weekdays n GBU

  6. wah kok comment gw jd 'anonymous said' yach... padahal uda klik identity'nya other loch... hehe... gpp d.

  7. Happy New year sist..


  8. Met ultah juga bwt mama ya..

  9. selamat ulang tahun, tante
    smoga tuhan memberkati tante dengan kebijaksanaan, umur panjang, dan berkat dalam keluarga serta pelayanan

    tante udah memberkati hidupku dengan banyak hal


  10. selamat ulang tahun, tante. Tante pastinya diberkati sekali karena anak2 tante telah menjadi berkat bagi kami teman2nya. JBU...

  11. 'met ulang taon buat mamamu Nie :)

  12. Hello... i miss u too b-( hehehe pakabar ?? Selamat ultah buat mami tercinta, salam ya dari kita.

  13. Wow, katanya katanya buat Mom luar biasa Sher, gw bakal bangga dan bahagia banget kalo dapet special card kaye gitu :)... Happy belated birthday to your Mom ya Sher, semoga panjang umur, sehat selalu dan tentu saja diberi kekuatan dan berlimpah rejeki serta selalu dipenuhi dengan kasih yg tak terhingga dari Bapa kita disurga.... JBU.

    XXX Shierly


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