a little remembrance

My interview with UWE is only hours away. I do think about it, although there is no extreme nervousness inside me. I realize that I know nothing about what will they ask me about. Whether it is a general type of questions or more specific questions relating the topic of the PhD position, I don't know and have no clues. One thing I know and do is to cling wholeheartedly to my Father God.
At the same time, my best friend, Yulie, will have her viva at the same day, but earlier than me. My interview is around 10 pm (about 2 pm UK time), her viva is at 9 am in the morning. I pray that The Lord gives her success and confidence in facing her viva. Amen.

Another news is about my sister, Grace. Thanks for all the prayers and encouragements. However, I am so sad to say that her condition has been worsened these several days. And, unavoidably, she had to go to hospital today. Yesterday, my parents took her to Surabaya for a check up to the specialist (dokter paru-paru) that we've known well. The result was disappointing; the pneumonia has become more serious, and so she has to go to hospital. At the moment, she is staying at Darmo hospital in Surabaya.
This actually reminds me of my childhood around her age. Once, I broke my elbow at a salon. I fell because I stumbled on something while walking and reading a magazine at the same time when I was waiting for my mum having her haircut. I was sent to the same hospital, Rumah Sakit Darmo, we call it in Indonesian.
The first night I was there, I cried because it was too warm (I wasn't in the VIP room) and so many mosquitoes. In addition, I was alone. The nurse had to ring my mum and ask her to accompany me. Nothing compares a mother's love.
Days I was there, I can't remember the exact number, but it felt forever for a little child like me. When the operation time came, I was scared, but because my mum was there, I was in peace. The recovery was long.
I had to endure more than a month living only with one arm and one hand functioning well. Two operations and many therapies, but above all, abundance of my mother's love that really healed me. And I know, she is doing it again... for my little sister. I know she's tired and exhausted, but for her, it is nothing compared to the joy of seeing her little child recovered again.

Please pray for my Mother and my little sister, my friends. I appreciate your prayers, for I believe that there are powers in prayers.

I'd also like to say a 'temporary farewell', I will be away for a-week-trip on an education fair like what I've done in November. So please also pray for my journey safety and my health. Thank you.

God bless you all! Until the next posting! ;)
Everything is still the same;
The laughters, the jokes and the feelings.
But many things have to be buried under...
Making us feel so stuffy and tired.
Hence, I ask for peace.

Father, I surrender.

- nie, 18 Jan 2007, 12.33 am, Dps.


  1. whoa, you have so many things in life to be concerned about rite now.
    hope everything goes out well, from your interview, your sister's health...

    You made the best choice by surrending and have Lord show you & your family the way =))

    You'll definitely received His Blessings because you totally deserve it.

    *biggest longest hug for you, dear*

    please do take care, rest enough and don't skip your meals. My prayers will accompany you through your trip and your days =)

  2. Sher, thanks ya supportnya..


    GBU always..

  3. Tuhan tahu yang terbaik untuk kamu!!! Kamu yakin itu? Sungguh yakin?? Kalau kamu sungguh yakin, melangkahlah terus dan jangan menciptakan lagi kekuatiran2 buat dirimu sendiri.
    till the next posting!! :)

  4. Sher, kuat dan maju terus yaaa.. Doa-ku menyertai-mu sist.... Juga buat Grace and Mom serta seluruh keluarga terus kuat ya, Semoga little Grace cepet sembuh. Tangan Tuhan ngga pernah lepas koq dari anak anak-NYA, apalagi mereka mereka yg selalu bergantung dan berharap pada-NYA.

    Sukses untuk a week trip on an education fair... Jaga kesehatan dan jan lupa istirahat juga :). GBU say..

    XXX Shierly

  5. yang tabah yak sher. hope u'r mom n u'r little sister cepet sembuh :)

    cepet beres yak skripsinya eh thesis yak? moga2 lancar ajah deh :)

  6. aku telpon ya besok di frenmu
    semoga ada kabar gembira
    bok sedih2 ya

    smoga adikmu baik2 saja

  7. whoaa

    Semoga berhasil ya interview-nya... :) Btw viva tu apa sih?? :D

    Waduh, untuk Grace, semoga Tuhan memberkati. Semoga Lekas Sembuh. Malah mending penyakitnya terdeteksi daripada dokternya nggak mendeteksi penyakitnya dan malah berakibat buruk kan?? :)

    GBU ya....

  8. Ooopss, ini Zilko, lupa ganti account... :)


  9. Didoain buat semua biar makin baik kondisinya ya Sher..


  10. sist sbr y moga2 ur sist cpet sembuh.. udah g di indo lg ya?lama ni g crita2 lg

  11. sher...klo ada rencana mo bawa grace ke spore...bisa kontak aku yaa...aku bisa cari dokter terbaik, buat appointment sekalian cariin tempat nginap buat ortu...

    tapi...Smoga Tuhan memberkati para dokter di sby dgn hikmat terbaik sehingga bisa merawat grace sampai sembuh...

    we will pray for grace n ur mom

  12. May God bless your little sister....pneumonia is a serious illness, that's the reason why all millenium babies have had pnevnar shots in certain time to prevent from all kind of lung viruses. Whatever happens, you believe that God never sleep. I'll pray for you and your family.

    Howwaya doing? haven't visited ur "home" for awhile. GBU.

  13. sher....
    semoga adik kecilmu cepet sembuh ya...

    always pray to HIm.. and He will give u the best one....

  14. serahkan segala kuatirmu ketanganNya :)
    Dia pasti kasih yang terbaik

  15. kak sherly, aku semalam mimpi kak sherly jadi pendeta.

    aku jg skrg lagi dapat sedikit masalah disini, tapi kita percaya Yesus lakukan yang terbaik.


  16. Hanhan ditinggal sendiri di rumah?


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