Return to home

Back at home at last!!!
I'm still tired and a bit sick, so I am looking forward to my sleep tonight after writing up this post. First of all, I'd like to thank you all, my friends, for the kind attentions and visits to my blog. My sister is already healed *Thank you Jesus!* She is back to school now with her usual curiosities, cheerfulness and smiles! Thank you for praying and caring for her, my friends!

Secondly, about my interview... it went well, I think..., I was nervous but, thank God, I could answer all the questions confidently. At the moment, I am still waiting for the result, whether I get accepted or not. On the other hand, my application to UofL is going smoothly. I should receive the news about my acceptance soon and then I shall be preparing for the scholarship application. So, please help in prayers, my friends, for The Lord to give the best for me.

Thirdly, my trip for the education fair was quite fun. This time, again, I was helping the representative from JCU, the first Australian university in Singapore. We were in Jakarta for 4 days (one day, we had trip to Bandung). I am glad that I managed to meet Yulia, my best friend, and had fun with her in Dufan and Gelanggang Samudra. We went to Mangga Dua Square, too, and I bought some things for my little brother and sister. It was great fun. After Jakarta, we were off to Solo. I did not really go anywhere, because I was sick; sore throat, fever, cough and headaches. Then, we went to Denpasar and Surabaya for the last two cities of the fair.
I had fun, except for the fact that I was quite sick, I enjoyed it very much. It was great to know a lot of different people. It was great to meet with Mac, the JCU representative, again, and other people.
Thanks Universal Services for the chance to help and join the team for the fair! I had great times! After we finished the fair on 28th, I spent most of my time with Mee-a, my beloved sister. We had fun going around TP, BG Junction, Galaxy Mall (with my auntie) and we enjoyed watching DVDs together. We had a great laugh together. Thank you, sist, for spending your time with me and for the talks together! Love you, my sister!

I think that's all for today, I am really so sleepy and tired right now. Starting tomorrow, I will try to visit your blogs again. God bless you all!

The white kingdom
There is this kingdom, larger than the earth, it roams around the skies. Everything is pure and beautiful.
There are islands, big and small. Little houses and huge mansions. All kinds of people, animals and flowers with no defects whatsoever.

Peace grows at the sight of the kingdom, relaxing the tensed thoughts and heart.
It's a kingdom with no boundaries and conflicts. Everything matches each other.

It's the white kingdom. It's the cloud kingdom.

- inspired by the moving clouds on the way back from Surabaya to Denpasar, 31 January 2007.


  1. eh
    aku suka banget sm perumpamaan cloud kingdom
    salam buat rexy

  2. hmm...
    putih dan (kadang)berawan?
    ga ada yang hitam.
    dan awan akan bergeser menjadi putih lagi yeaaa!!

    *Tetap semangat! cepet segar lagi yo

  3. Wah, untung deh ddnya udah gapapa... :D

    Wah, deg2an dong nunggu hasil interviewnya, moga2 lolos deh... :) :)

  4. masih liburan ya.
    ta kirain return to home nya ke eropah gituh. hehe.. bukan 'home' ya yg di sn. :D

  5. duh syukur deh adik km dah cembuh n bs sekolah lg :)
    huhu tuh kan ada dijkt g ksh kbr lg *ngambek ah*
    istirahat sist km dah kecapean gt pas edu fair,minum vitamin klo perlu hehe


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