
My house is so quiet these several days. Why? 'Coz my little darling sister, Grace is sick since Sunday. First, we thought it was only a normal cough and fever, but then it did not stop after my mum gave her some medicine. So on Tuesday, we went to general practicioner (dokter umum). He said it was a bronchitis. He gave some medicines, but not much really changed.
And since we were so worried, today, my dad rang the doctor. The doctor suggested to take a blood test, just in case she has thypoid or DB. After we got the result, in the evening, we went to the doctor. We were grateful it wasn't thypoid or DB, but the doctor was very suspicious about the way Grace breathes. So, he said, we better take her to X-Ray.
To cut the story short, after he saw the X-ray result, he concluded it is a pneumonia and he said it's better to take her to the pediatrician (dokter spesialis anak) for the decision whether she has to go to hospital or not. We were hoping that she won't need to go to hospital.
Thank God, He answered our prayers. The pediatric gave some medicines and said that at this stage, she doesn't need to go to hospital. However, if her condition worsened, we'll have no choice...

So, friends, please help in prayers for my sister's recovery. Thanks so much in advance.
Okay then, that's all for now. Jesus bless you all!


  1. She is soOoo cute, Sher..

    get well soon..

  2. Hope u're little cute sister get well soon :). GBU, Sher.

  3. pneumonia itu disebabkan -salah satunya- karna lobang ozon yang makin melebar di khatulistiwa. jd jumlah orang di Indo yg makin sakit karna penyakit ini makin bertambah. untuk hal ini aku marah sekali sama manusia yg terlibat illegal logging yang buntutnya membuat lobang ozon melebar. aku tetap dukung keluarga kak sherly dalam doa. JBU

  4. tnang sher ur sister will b alright,pasti sembuh ^^ JBG n JBU

  5. Semoga Grace cepat sembuh, en rumah segera menjadi ceria lagi.


  6. semoga adikmu lekas sembuh yah Nie..met wiken....

  7. Waduh2, semoga cepet sembuh dan gapapa yaa.... :) GBU and ur fam

  8. Grace, cepet sembuh ya... biar bisa maen lagi sama cece Sherly :) GBU

  9. moga cepet sembuh ya, dek.

  10. Salam kenal dan semoga adiknya cepat sembuh

  11. Wuuuaahh sering sering aja pajang fotonya si Grace Sher...cantik banget adikmu :)...sun aahhh ;)..well, Dari jauh Ka Shierly doakan Grace biar cepet sembuh ya amin amin...pasti pasti, Tuhan Yesus sumber kesembuhan pasti memulihkan sakitnya Grace :)... Met hari minggu Sherly and family, Sun chayank buat Grace :).GBU selalu sist :)

    XXX Shierly

  12. what a cutie.

    hope she will get well soon. God Bless You and everyone in your family *hugz*

  13. Semoga little grace cepat sembuh yaa...

    Tuhan Yesus yang akan jaga dan sembuhkan grace yaa...

  14. hope your sister get well soon sher ... aku ikut doain yaa :-)

  15. Moga cepet sembuh buat adikmu Sher.


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