back in Denpasar

Hello... hello... hello! I am back in Denpasar now after 'escaping' from Nyepi to Surabaya. It was a very tiring and busy journey back and forward, but with my family, I was enjoying my time as much as I could. The journey Denpasar-Surabaya pp actually put me in a thought of "when will I be like this again with my family? Soon, I will be leaving to do my PhD back in United Kingdom". I will surely miss the time I spent with my family.
In Surabaya, we went to TP, Pasar Atom, BG Junction, and several restaurants including cafesera and Banana leaf. Hufff... My feet were sore and tired. We also went to kota Batu (a little town close to Malang). It had been a long time since the last time I went there. Many have changed, but it is still a cool-weathered town, the water was cold too!
The good thing was I managed to meet several of my uncles (whom I rarely meet) and aunties. Surabaya... no matter what, it is still my birth town. I am very attached to it. :)

I think this is a very meaningless post hahaha... but anyway, just to let you know I am back. Somebody was worried because I did not reply his emails for several days. He forgot that I told him I will be away for several days in the weekend hehehe...

That's all for now. God bless!


  1. "Soon, I will be leaving to do my PhD back in United Kingdom", artinya semua udah oke dan aman kan? :)
    Pasar Atom... hmmm... kebayang yang enak-enak di sana... hihihi mikirnya makan aja :D

  2. Wah, jadi ya ke UK-nya, selamat yaaaaa... :) :) :)

    Btw, ke Malang-nya lewat mana tu?? Gara2 lumpur panas sialan itu jadi lama ya perjalanan Surabaya - Malang, harus muter dulu, parah...

  3. jadi selama ini udah ada di indo.
    *jarang blogwalking jadi ga tau..
    yasu.. met balik ke UK yah... :)

  4. Wah berarti jadi ke UK nya donk, selamat yah sher, sori lom sempet doain tp bener2 happy pas baca ini

  5. Hehehehe... dah baca bu guru... *jangan di hukum yak* hihihihi... lari...


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