Busy bee

50 days to our wedding day, I feel like a busy bee, because I have so many things to think about and to sort out before D-day.
The main priority at the moment is the invitations!! The invitations will be done tomorrow, so now, I am busy sorting out the addresses of my parents' friends, because 99% of the guests will be my parents' friends! Writing all the labels for the invitations, making sure that I write the right names, so nobody will complain. *God, that's a headache!*

Honestly, although we want a simple wedding, I have to admit that even the simplest wedding in this world is still complicated and you have to think about so many things. Thank God, wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime moment!! With so many things to go through, this will be one more reason for me to never think about divorce and remarry. It will be a nightmare!
Hehehe... I am sure my fiance will be happy reading this hahahaha... :P


  1. Sherly.. duh lama tak mampir eh dah mau merit aja.. huhuhu penasaran akyu,siapakah mempelai pria yang beruntung itu?

    Turut ngedoain yah sher semoga lancar-lancr aja, wishing u all d best

  2. sheir mudah2an ga double nih commentnya. aku ikut deg2an sher bacanya hehehe. sukses yaaa.

    sher kenapa ga bikin blog pra-wedding? semacam journal yang isinya kegiatan kamu seputar persiapan married ini. kan banyak yang penasaran sher .. hehe

  3. daku daku masuk list gak hihi...

    smoga lanvar yah sher!

    eh betul tuh kata meda knapa gak bikin blog prawedding ajah ;)

  4. wah, slamat bersibuk2 ria deh, he3... :) :)

  5. huhuuu... gi dag dig dug dweeerr... sibuk & repot pastinya ya...santai aja dweehh... biar gak stres *gayanya sok guruin* moga lancar2 ya sher...

  6. wow! big step!
    congratulation yah dear...
    semoga sukses sampai D-Day!

    God bless you..


  7. sher.... makin sibuk ya.. hohoho.. kurang dari 2 bulan nih....

    semoga lancar semuanya ya...

  8. Enjoy aja semua headache ini, Sherly. Emang sekarang sedang saatnya kamu kepontang-panting urusan beginian.
    Suatu saat dikau akan tersenyum saat mengenang masa sibuk ini, senyum antara puas dan geli sendiri. :)

    Jaga diri ya, jangan sampe sakit!!

  9. wahhh sebulan lebih dikit lagi..
    hmm.. knp ya klo nikah gt pasti lebih banyak tmen" ortu..
    huhuw kebayang cibukna kamu..
    moga" smuana lancar" aja ya..

  10. deg2an!!!!!!! menunggu poto perdana of ur big special day =DDD

    siapin wedding pasti cape banged, jgn lupa istirahat dan makan yg cukup yaaa... minum air, perut kembung gpp yang pentink sehattt =DD

    have a lovely week, dear

  11. yang paling bikin pusing pas nulis undangan, yang diundang complain soal gelar namanya. ya gelar akademis lah, nama lah, inilah itulah (pengalaman pribadi nulis undangan nikah sepupu). pusiiing... kak sherly ngerjainya juga pusing...

  12. because 99% of the guests will be my parents' friends! << bujugh !! bener nih !!!! tamunya tuwa2 dong ??

    hiburannya apa mbak ??
    layar tancep ??
    wayang golek ??
    atau nyewa badut ??


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