Here I am!

Hola amigos!! Yup yup yup! I am back already. A day later than I mentioned in the previous post. I was too tired last night to tell you all that I am back.
Well, I had so much fun in Nusa Penida!! There were 39 of us in the team; 27 people from American's worship team named 'The Burn' and 13 of the Indonesians. Throughout the mission, I mostly played the role as an interpreter, being in the middle of the Americans and all of my Indo friends. It was such a huge blessing to me and helped me a lot in growing my faith higher.
It is amazing to see how those Americans, who flew all the way for 36 hours leaving all the comfort and nice feelings of their own places, did NOT complain a single time about the condition in Nusa Penida. They ate the food with abundant of joy and gratefullness, whether they really like it or not, too spicy or too tasteless or maybe also too disgusting for them. It is such a great example to learn to see how they work together hand-in-hand in unity with Christ as the focus all the time.
They did not complain about the smelly village people that we were ministering to. It was great lessons for me.

Overall, I am very much blessed and will be more than happy to be involved in similar kind of trip again. :D

Moving on... I have a GREAT news! Last night, when I quickly checked my email, I received an email from University of Liverpool, saying that I have been awarded an ORSAS scholarship, which covers full tuition fees and, in addition, £1000 towards living cost!! Praise Jesus!
He IS really great! He's been more than GREAT to me. Thank you Jesus for allowing me to feel such abundant blessings in this hard time.

All the glory and honor be to Jesus Christ alone!
Love you, my Jesus Christ!


  1. congrat yah sher scholarship nya wuah bisa sama2 tinggal di england dong eunakee :P

  2. congratz yah.. :D

  3. wah... congratz sher......

  4. wah, hebat euy dapet scholarship-nya... :)

  5. waaahh,,, congratz ya sist!! *hugs* :)

  6. aaaaaaaaaaa
    selamat sherrrr!!!
    i know you'll get it, puji Tuhan!!


  7. congratz yah say..muachhh

  8. congrats sher!!!

    u know what, every time i remember how good our God is, i feel like i have no right to complain about every single bad things happened in my life..

    keep it Up sist..
    salut saluth dapet scholarship..

  9. kak sher, saudaramu dlm Kristus ini cuma bisa bersyukur dan bersyukur utk kebaikan Tuhan Yesus yang udah dilimpahkan utkmu. Gak bisa ngomong lagi sebetulnya, kak sherly bener2 punya iman dan pengharapan yang luar biasa yang ngebuat Tuhan berbelas kasih, dan terbukti pengharapan kita gak sia2. beasiswa dan plus2 lainnya udah ditangan. dukung aku dalam doa juga ya, soalnya sekarang kondisinya lagi kayak Ayub.

    ehm, misionaris2 USA itu menurutku bisa demikian gak lebih karna punya kasih dan hati Bapa makanya mo "dilempar" ke Nusa Penida pun gak masalah. nanti di UK, with Ako Lan, melayaninya lebih tekun ya...

  10. congrat ya sheerrrr .. :)

  11. Praise the Lord!
    Selamat yah..!
    Wah abis nikah bakal ke UK lagi neh :D whoaa... whoaaa *exciting sendiri*

    Selamat yah :) Congratz congratz :)


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