The arrival of him

My husband-to-be's arrival date has been set! He has sent me the flight details, which also means that he already BOUGHT the tickets! I am very very glad to receive the news!
Monday, 25 June 2007 @ 12.05 p.m., will be the time he is arriving from the faraway country! And the journey to our unseparable union begins from that day. I can't wait to see him... I miss him very much and I hope time will fly fast so that I can hug and cherish him all I can.
Marriage is not one-hundred-percent of happiness, really...
The reality is that...
There are things that you have to leave behind,
There are things that you gain while stepping forward into the new beginning.

Once, you belong to a family.
Now, you own your own family.
It's a kingdom that both of you, your partner and you, have to build to be strong, full of love, peace and joy.

Family should be a kingdom that imparts the joys of Heaven in Earth.

- nie, 06 May 2007

image's credit to DeviantART's Vanishing S


  1. Semoga semua berjalan sesuai rencana kalian ya Sherly!!

  2. that's one day before my birthday!

  3. cihuiiii, bel sebentar lagi berdenting, waktunya ketemu prince charming.

    all the best for everything, so happy for yaaaaa

    *till now i'm still clueless tho, please please do enlighten me with some pictures (hopefully)*

  4. duuh dag dig dug dong sist :D :D

  5. hwawawa..
    semakin berdebar" yaa..
    huhuw tinggal sebulan lagi ketemu deh ;)

  6. wuih.. ada yang gak sabar neh... semoga semuanya lancar ya sher....

    sabar sher..bentar lagi ketemu neh.... hehehehhehe

  7. aduu,,yang mo ketemu calon misuaa...asikk asik asik..

    all the best yah persiapannya...

  8. Aayayayaya... :)
    Wah Bu Guru mo merit sama Pak Guru... semoga semua berjalan lancar sesuai rencana, Amien :)

    Jangan lupa ntar buat LPJ di blog yak :)

    Saya tunggu... hehehehe...

  9. asik niyh yg bntr lg mo ktemu sang calon misua..

  10. komentar yg sulu-> kalo ibadahnya di GBI Rock, kemungkinan nanti kita satu rayon loh kak. soalnya sekarang ada sedikit klik di gereja dan rencananya mungkin gabung ke GBI Rock. Jauh ya, dari Lubuk Pakam ke Denpasar :p

    current post:
    kisah kak sherly ngingatkan kita ke perumpamaan Mempelai Wanita yang menanti Mempelai Pria di Alkitab. Dag dig dug, love is in the air... JBU!

  11. oia, ini FS-nya pak Timotius Arifin:

  12. selamat yaaa... :D :D Bentar lg ni

  13. Sher, kayanya gw banyak ketinggalan berita nih :) sorry ya baru sempat nongol lagi :-(...

    Asyiikkk, Ngga sabaran, jadi penasaran deh pen tau siapa-kah si lelaki beruntung tersebut :).. Juni pan tinggal menghitung hari ya Non ???.. hmmmm..lapor lapor ya :)..

    Makacih juga ucapannya buat HUT gw kemaren say. GBU selalu juga hubungan kalian berdua :)..

    Happy wednesday :)

    XXX Shierly

  14. wah sher... ikutan seneng ya... *jijingkrakan* selamat ya...

  15. wah, selama ini kalian ldr gitu ya??
    ih senengnyaaaa mau ketemu..

  16. wow.. aura kebahagiaannya sampe ke sini, sher.. pasti deg-degan deh nunggu hari H.. sukses ya...

  17. wow.. aura kebahagiaannya sampe ke sini, sher.. pasti deg-degan deh nunggu hari H.. sukses ya...

  18. siapakah dia? orang yang pernah disebut2 di blog inikah? minta bocoran donggg...gue kan ngga sabaran nih :D

  19. Cieee.......*ehem..ehem...*asik...

    Mr.Right will comin soon....Hopefully it will be happilly ever after *amin*

  20. sher, aku doain semua lancar2 aja yaaa ... :)


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