Have faith!

Hebrews 6: 11-12 (modified)

11. And I (your faithful Father) desire that each one of you (Sherly) show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end,
12. that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

I am in the position of strenghtening my faith, my hope and my patience. There is something really important happening that makes me feel confused, lose hope and want to give up.
I am refreshing my memory of all those great things that are impossible to the eyes of men; those that my faithful Father, Jesus Christ, has done continually for me in my life.
I am taking a decision that I will not give up, I will not be weaken anymore by the situation I am in. Instead, I will stand up for my faith, for I trust Him more than anything in this world and I believe nothing is too hard for Him to do!

Father, I am clinging to you and I know all that You have promised me, they are not empty promises, for they surely WILL come to pass.



  1. for sure Jesus is with you! Keep praying my sis....

  2. waduh ada apa ini? kok kayanya berat..
    aku ikut doain deh, mudah2an jalan yg diambil jalan yg terbaik yaaaap.

  3. bnyk doa aja, sher n serahin semua dalam tangan-Nya..

    With TRIALS, we grow stronger in FAITH; With FAITH, we move closer to GOD; With GOD, we can survive in all things :)

  4. wah 61 hari lg,semakin dket semakin bnyk c0baan ya,,
    m0ga" ga ada halangan ampe tiba saatna =)

  5. masalah apa?? Khawatir sebelum nikah?? (Katanya) biasa tu... :)

    Good Luck yah

  6. Yah.. simply never lose faith, lah..

    Bersyukur senantiasa juga menguatkan, setahu gue.. ;-) hehehe...

  7. cayo sher....

    terus berdoa ya... meminta petunjuk dari-Nya...

  8. sher one thing, With God nothing is impossible iya kan... biasa kalo g ada masalah g selalu berusaha berpikir kalo ini ujian n I thank Him for that..
    Biasa Sher org kalo mo married pst deh ada banyak problem ini n itu.. so just keep your faith and hope ok gal! Cia yooo...

  9. semangat ya sherr...

  10. Bukankah hidup ini sendiri adalah sekumpulan masalah yang harus digumuli?
    Yakin aja, apapun masalah yang sedang Nie hadapi, semua hanyalah masalah waktu.
    Satu yang pasti, jangan melihat persoalan2 itu sebagai cobaan, tapi lihat sebagai pelajaran yang sedang dipelajari dan digumuli dalam program kehidupan.

    Sukses ya Nie!!!


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