
All of us what to be spoiled (dimanja), don't we? Each of us have different preferences on how we want people to spoiled us. Some feel they are spoiled when they are given gifts, some when they are given attention, some prefers going out for a dinner and many others.
Well, yesterday, I just found out a new thing about Lan. As a single child, I know that his parents spoil him a lot. You can say that, in some ways, he is the EXACT opposite of me. As the first child, I get to step back for my siblings. My parents taught me strictly and I don't get spoiled so much. Hence, I am really not good at spoiling somebody, including my hubby... And, it created troubles!
He became somewhat depressed due to me not spoiling him the way he wants it to be. He likes to 'buy' things, just for the sake that he likes it, which most of the time it's either so expensive or not quite useful! I tend to say 'no' to those things! "We are students, after all! We are saving for the future.", that's what I always say to him.
In the marriage, when one of us becomes unhappy, everybody is unhappy. It was like a bomb with a timer ticking away ready to explode soon! And it did... It was a hard two days in the weekend, but we came out strong at the end. We learnt more about each other. Now, I make effort to pay attention to spoil him a bit more than before. Of course, it's still under the condition that it is acceptable and reasonable requests. We try to balance each other, make us both happy. That's how our marriage works.
As for me, he knows what I want. Attention and quality time. More than that is a plus. :)

So, what will make you feel you're spoiled by your spouse?


  1. If my hubby give me one day to be alone for window shopping :P

    btw, north pole and south pole, when they meet, they compliment each other isn't it?

  2. hahaha ya yang penting harus saling dikomunikasikan aja... jangan sampe 1 merasa terpaksa aja ngejalaninnya... :)

  3. Buat aku sih, I feel spoiled kalo dia mo kasih aku quality time. Weekend kemaren sempet bete krn koq tiap weekend kita begitu2 aja. Satu di komputer, satu maenan iphone. Ntar aku nonton tv, dia di komputer. Akhirnya aku blg, waktu dulu pacaran koq rasanya kita bisa lebih punya banyak quality time together, playing games together, etc... Akhirnya kita ambil jalan tengah & everyone's happy.

    Setuju ama yg Arman bilang, yg penting dikomunikasikan.. Jangan dipendem sendiri aja, ntar bisa2 explode loh. :-)

  4. Wah... rada kebalikan dariku, tuh sher...
    Kalo aku, yang anak tunggal 'kan aku. Trus, Koko anak bungsu. Jadi, yang sering kasih nasehat 'simpen duit' tuh Koko :D (Biasanya aku rada boros, sih...)

    Emang sih sebagai anak tunggal banyakan dimanja. Tapi, kalo dah jaoh dari ortu (merantau) gitu biasanya dah mulai mandiri. Apalagi mengingat gak punya sodara, jadi musti bisa ngatasi semuanya sendiri.

    Komunikasi emang penting banget (setuju ma 2 temen u di atas ^^ Hehehe). Aku yang masih pacaran ini aja masih harus sering-sering komunikasi supaya gak bertengkar akan sesuatu yang sepele. Apalagi kalo dah married, segalanya lebih kompleks, maka waktu untuk komunikasi harus lebih sering, tuh.

    Enjoy aja, Sher :)

  5. wah apa ya? ga merasa spoil soalnya. :)
    soalnya 22nya anak sulung..
    yang penting 22nya happy aja dhe...

  6. cowo emang suka beli barang yang menurut kita gak berguna hihihi.. mana mahal lagi kan, tapi menurut mereka juga kita beli tas, baju, sepatu sering banget ganti2, jadi masing2 mesti ada tarik ulurlah, kadang dikasih kasih dilarang, tapi david masih kadang suka bilang gua pelit sih wkwkwkwk ;P

    gua suka kalo dikasih surprise ^^

  7. Syukur, ketahuannya sekarang, jadi Lan udah ketolongan sebelum makin depresi, hihihi...

    Kalau aku suka apa ya? Suka kalau pas jam makan siang, tiba-tiba bapaknya MJ nelepon dan bilang kalau masakanku enak. Hahaha...

    Hmmm...kayaknya aku bukan tipe manja. :-?
    Sama kayak kamu, Sher, anak sulung sih...

  8. What a wonderful post! I like it.
    Have a nice day.


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