Exciting times await!

Yay!!! I cannot wait for Monday to come! It's Lan's graduation day and he will officially be a Dr. that day :) I am so proud of him! It's going to be a busy day; the graduation ceremony is at 3pm, followed by a short reception afterwards held by the department, and we are invited to a farewell party made for us by Daniel, Karolina and Michel (the colleguaes in the department). (I'm not quite sure who else is coming...)
Tuesday will be the final packing day before we leave for Paris on Wednesday!!! *weeee!* I really cannot wait!

Here is hoping that the weather will be warm, sunny and most importantly DRY on Monday and that our honeymoon is really enjoyable :)

Alrighty... I hope you are all having a great weekend and will have a blessed week ahead :)


  1. congrats buat Dr. Lan!! :)

  2. wuah... congrats buat Dr Lan... keren euy :)

  3. Wow, Dr. Lan! Cool! :) Selamat ya! :D

    Iya nih, minggu ini aku juga bakal liburan, mudah2an cuacanya baik (yg penting gak hujan), huahahaha...

  4. congrats buat Lan , wowww keren nya
    happy holiday yah in Paris !


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