So many things to do!

Looking at our plan on our last few weeks here, boy, do we have lots of things to do and lots of people to meet! In a way, it's a realisation that we actually have lots of friends here in Liverpool :)

With a week to Lan's graduation, I've made sure that his shirt is ironed and ready to wear. However, we're kind of anxious that the graduation ticket hasn't arrived on the mail yet. I hope it arrives in the next few days, otherwise, I won't be able to get in to Philharmonic Hall, where the graduation ceremony is held.

Nine days to Paris. I am excited as well as dragging it hehehe... I haven't really packed our things yet. I'm just too tired after doing a lot of packing, sorting and throwing stuffs away.
Our home is looking bare right now, doesn't feel as homey as it used to. All the photos on the wall are gone and a lot of stuffs have either been shipped to Beijing or given away to charity shops. We only have the necessary stuffs left. Even so, it still will take a lot of energy to pack up when we're going on the 29th.

At this point, I have mixed feelings...
Oh, I forgot to post here... Last Thursday, the 7th July, I went for the last meeting with my supervisors. Yup, I made my decision to withdraw from PhD final that day. The withdrawal form was signed and given to the University that day. No words can really describe how I feel (even now).
I just hope I made the right decision (even when I look at it in the far future). I hope I will never regret this. I know I am supposed to let it go, that it's a past, that I can't do anything about it, but I know, it will take at least a while.
So pray, that I can go through this, that I can conquer my own negativity and move on. Pray that this move across countries will do me good. :)


  1. yah semua keputusan pasti ada plus minusnya ya sher... moga2 emang ini yang terbaik buat lu dan lan...

  2. I can imagine how you feel....but life must go on, dear...
    masih banyak yang harus dipikirkan, jadi jangan larut dalam kepedihan ya

  3. Betul kata Arman, semua keputusan ada kelebihan dan kekurangannya. Jangan fokus pada kekurangannya, tapi fokus pada kelebihannya saja :)

  4. bahkan g yang cuma baca aja tadi took a deep breath pas baca bagian phd resignation-mu sher...walo g ga lagi ambil s3, secara g kerja di akademik dan dikelilingi orang2 yg lagi ambil s3 i think i can understand a little bit how it feels...
    God will lead us in any way that we took Sher...semangattt ;)

  5. iya sher, setuju ama arman, pasti ada positif dan negatifnya, untuk sesuatu yang lebih besar pasti ada pengorbanan. kalo keputusan sudah diambil gak usah menyesal, songsong aja kehidupan baru nanti yang lebih indah :)

  6. Nie, dikau mo pindah ke beijing kah?

  7. Elrica: Iya mo pindah ke Beijing, ke kampung halaman suami :)


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