The Holiday is here!!!

Oh yes!!! Finally, I get time to rest and don't need to stay in the Campus for the whole day between the gaps waiting for the lectures. I feel so tired this semester, and now I feel excited about the holiday!
So, I am getting rest this three weeks on one hand. On the other hand, this is also the time for me to revise and prepare for the last exam that will happen in May.

In the weekend, I did not do much... Cleaned my room, changed my bed sheet, iron some clothes and finish some homeworks from my modules.

It has been extremely warm here! Oh God! I found it too hot for me these couple of days. Even if I open my window at night time, I still sweat when I am sleeping. I don't think it's the weather, because the temperature was ranging between 10 and 17 degrees Celcius (which should not be too hot for me, eh?!) I think it's me! *grins* I might be better of living in the North Pole *hahahaha....*
Even Oen-Oen was surprised, he asked me, "where do you live, dear? Is it in a suburb called Liverpool in Jakarta?!" Wekekekeke...

Can't help it! It is too warm for me! :D
I even dared to go to church wearing a skirt without wearing a hosiery! God... I am one weird human!

Anyway! Happy Monday! I hope you all have a good week! *cheers*


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