An Instant Thought

I realised lately I haven't had time to have a deep thought about anything specific. It is as if when I try to do so, there is always something to distract me. Sometimes, ideas still come up and new lessons of the reality in life always bring some kind of amazement how people, and even I, missed the fact of how meaningful and sweet the things that happen in life... How little things that you do can mean so much to others around you... How some things that you think will be acceptable to others, turn out to be really irritating to them.

Some people, like I do, try to please everybody around them without even thinking about whether he or she will enjoy it or not in their own life. I gradually learnt that I cannot please everyone without sacrificing something inside me; my own satisfaction and the feeling of enjoyment.
Well, yes, it is true that we do not life by ourselves in this world. But enjoying what we are doing is important. There is no point of doing something that you don't really want to do because the outcome will not be satisfying to you no matter how great it is in the eyes of others.
Yes, we have the right to enjoy this life by doing what we really dream to do (In this case, I meant doing something that is positive.).
For example, my friend... A couple of days ago, he said to me that he is not enjoying his job as a head of department in one of the government schools. He is bored. The only reason he is still there is because it was his parent's will to have one of their children to be a teacher. Well, okay... parents might have a will over their children regarding their future and what they will be, but it should not be a burden for the children to fulfill it. I am not saying that we should disobey our parents, no.
But... parents should give their children space and freedom to choose the career paths they want to take. Everyone is unique and has their own talents different from one another.
I am sure, just as I experienced, when a child is left to choose what course he/she wants to do in University or to choose what job he/she wants to take, the child will progress better and have more anthusiasm towards what he/she is doing.
Anyway... it was just a thought, an instant thought that came up as I was typing. Anybody is welcomed to disagree. :)


I am happy
That one small thing I did for you
has made you happy and filled your day with joy.


Ps. Trim's untuk semuanya yang sudah ngasih ucapan selamat ultah utk Papiku, Grace dan Coen. God bless you all. ^^
Btw, notice that Coen has his own blog now (I don't know what came up on his mind that he decided to make a blog. :P). You can visit him at *koq jadi promosi ya?! Emang aku dibayar berapa?! :P*


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