White March...

02.03.2006 Snow
It is a white March...
I celebrate your 45th birthday with the drops of the snow...
Slowly and swiftly it takes its place in this world...
Whiter than anything, it shows innocence...

The cold bites unto my bones...
Takes me to the reality that I am far away from home...
Once again, I cannot be there close to you to celebrate...
I don't know how many years it has been...

But, for sure, I want you to know...
Prayers are certainly spoken by my lips...
To wish you God's blessing upon your life;
Wisdom, health, joy, peace and love...

Happy Birthday, my beloved Papi!

I am always grateful to have you.
I always feel I am the luckiest to be your daughter.
I will never forget...
How you work and sacrifice to give us the best.
How you still smile and encourage us even when it scares and hurts you deep inside.
How you stand up and learn to be our best Papi.
Thank you so much for everything!
I love you, Pap!

[Ps.] Sorry for not being there once again...

This morning, when I opened the curtain and saw the white snow, I felt happy and blessed. You know what it reminds me of?
It reminds me of Jesus. How He washed my crimson red sins to be as white as snow... The majestic white, whiter than anything you could compare to it. It is the colour of peace and tranquility...
It is like He is saying to me, "Come, I will wash away the pain in your heart. I will turn the aches to comfort and joy. Leave the past behind and enjoy my love."
I smiled and I nodded. I thank Him so much...
Thank you, Lord, for Your open hands, the hands that always wrap around me warmly.


  1. bagusssss banget ya potonya
    kayak di mainan natal yg ada air2nya
    kalo digoyang2 saljunya bisa jatoh

    hepi bday to your dad

  2. happy bday bwat papanya mbak sher :) aniwe, dsana udah turun salju? waahh... :D

  3. happy bday yah buat papa nya Sher...
    gambar nya bagus tuh... jadi pengen liat salju.. hehehe ( norak banget sehhhh wakaka )

  4. Gefeliciteerd met de verjaardag van je vader, veel geluk and gezond.

  5. bokap lo masih muda amat sher, seumuran ama nyokap g keknya.

    BTW, mo nyebur? nyebur aja, yg pasti airnya gak sedingin salju hehehe

  6. happy b'day buat papanya Sherly, smoga panjang umur, sehat slalu, n' bnyk rezekinya....aminn

    nice poem...picnya bagus bgt, kaya' rmhnya sinterklas...*sok teu*

  7. heppy bday om...

  8. Epi belsdei buat bokapnya Sherly. semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki, dilindungi dan selalu diberi kekuatan oleh Tuhan Jesus. dan juga semoga ssherly bisa cepet2 balik ke indo.. yiha....

    sher, wina kasih pe er, kerjain yah pe er nya dgn baik dan benar :)

  9. Lha makan2 lagi nih, met ultah ya sher buat si papi tercinta, moga panjang umur, sehat selalu n banyak rejeki... amien, amien.

    *tumben bukan yg terakhir kekeke* met wiken juga yo nak !!

  10. titip doa aja buat papinya sherly, smoga sehat slalu..

    iya nih sher, maret msh salju'an,global warming, dinginnn..brrr

  11. Shierly, turut bergembira buat Om, smoga selalu sehat dan bahagia.

    Tentunya pasti bahagia, punya anak seperti kamu, yg pintar dan berbakti :)

  12. happy b'day buat ya daddy sherly...maaf yach te kade baru bisa main...udah seminggu ini kompie rusak.....jadi kalo mo kewebsite suka frozen gituh...anyway......blom sempat lihat foto2 pas di mbok rini.....masih slow nich kompie.....

    btw pretty layout lhooo

  13. ow iyah..happy belated bday daddy(nya sherly), sehat-sehat slalu ya ooomm :)


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