Acute tiredness

Lately, I have been wondering why every time I wake up in the morning, I just feel more tired than the day before. I feel so tired and dis-functional, like my head is just an empty skull.
I cannot really relax, no matter what I try... I'd dream about things I have to do in the next day each night and that is not pleasant. It's all restless...

Maybe it's due to this long and never-ending studies of mine... Or maybe some other things that I don't know what. Sometimes, I feel that I can just pass out at any time, and that feeling scares me.
The only thing that I can do right now is to remind myself, it's all going to be over at the end of this year... That's my goal, at least...


  1. I also ever experienced that (and now still recovering :p), I even woke up in the morning with a lot of fears to face the day....
    I also thought it's because of the never ending studies, hehehhe....
    Semangattttt Sherrrr.... PASTI bisaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

  2. istirahat dulu sher.. tarik napas.... :)

  3. bener kata Arman say , istirahat dulu , banyak berdoa ! kamu pasti bisa ! sukses ya ..

  4. bener kata Arman say , istirahat dulu , banyak berdoa ! kamu pasti bisa ! sukses ya ..

  5. iya sabar sher, ntar lagi juga berlalu, udah di penghujung loh, jangan stress :)

  6. Take a break dulu Sher, soalnya stress out yourself will not help. kalo aku biasanya do windows shopping kl lagi stress, ntar stressnya ilang sendiri :p jiayo yaa..

  7. maybe u need a long break?? Go off somewhere outside UK?? Hmmmm....


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