Lan's update #1

Today brought a positive news: NOT meningitis and NOT brain infection. They keep testing though... today, Lan said a nurse came to take another HUGE tube of blood out of him for more tests.
He looks OK, but every now and then fever comes and tonight he was feeling like car sick. Argh... I don't know. I just hope they figure it out SOON! This suspense is killing me!
Don't say that you are a burden to me, coz you are not.
Don't tell me to not come when you want me to come, coz I want to come.
Don't tell me to go home because of snow, coz nothing can stop me from coming to see you.
Don't push me away, coz I am all to willing to do all these...

If it makes you feel better.
If it makes you happier.
If it makes you more comfortable.

I will do everything.
For you.

To: Lan.


  1. bagus lah.. moga2 emang nothing serious dan lan bisa cepet sembuh ya...

    dan yang penting, lu juga harus istirahat dan jaga kesehatan lho.jangan sampe lu sakit juga... ya kan...

  2. Thank God Sher! keep us updated ya. Hope everything's gonna be fine. Aku dulu pernah masuk RS di Indo; tiap pagi selalu diambil darah sampe rasanya tangan dah gosong ditusukin jarum terus. Tp itu emang harus supaya dokternya tau progress kita. Don't worry, it will end soon...

    Pss. i love the thoughts you wrote. You're one amazing woman. Pls take care of yourself too yah... jgn sampe tumbang juga.

  3. semoga penyakitnya cepat ketemu karna apa ya, sementara ini lu yang tabah ya sher, orang sakit kadang begitu, kadang merasa beban, kadang sedih2 gak jelas..
    setuju ama yang laen lu sendiri juga jangan sampe telat makan, kurang tidur, nanti kalo sakit juga kan repot gak ada yang jagain lan, lu juga mesti jaga kesehatan trus minum supplemen ya.


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