Lan's update #3

Lan is HOME!!!!!

Can you tell how relieve and happy I am?! The doctors put their hands up, they really don't know what was wrong with him. So, they advised him to go home and have rest, and truly, Lan prefers it that way! In the hospital, he could not really rest.

So... he still is very weak. He still has nausea and headache when he sits or stands up. In fact, he vomited as soon as we got home. BUT, I am really glad he is back home, where he feels really comfortable and can fully rest! I really do not mind all the works I have to do for him.

As soon as I cleaned up the mess, I helped him shower and wash his hair. He felt much fresher immediately. Right now, he is snoozing and snoring. One thing he cannot really do in the hospital.

So, I am praying for his speedy recovery. :)

Ps. Oh, thanks a LOT for all your supports, friends!!! It means the world to me :)


  1. bagus deh udah pulang ya.. mgoa2 cepet sembuh yaaa

  2. Cece, hope ur husband can get well soon yah :) I've just read ur previous entry as well.. that's kinda worrying but I'm glad everything's alright now :)
    Btw, aku baru mulai blogging lagi :D miss this blogging world so much.. hehe :)

  3. Wow, dokternya sampe bingung ya ga tau Lan kenapa; but one thing for sure, God has worked in a mysterious way to heal Lan. Happy to hear about the good news Sher, speedy recovery for Lan yahh.. :-) GBU.

  4. emang di rs itu sering jadi tambah lelah, abisan gak bisa istirahat, kalo di rumah kan lebih tenang trus lebih nyaman, namanya juga rumah sendiri.
    semoga lan cepet sembuh ya sher ;)

  5. Bgagaimanapun di rumah memang lebih comfort ya Sher , mo ngorok juga suka-suka kita :)

    Aku bawa dalam doaku say , semoga Lan cepat sembuh dan aktifitas keseharian kalian normal kembali .. amen

  6. o jd ga ketauan kenapa?smoga cepet sembuh deh ya lan, emang lbh enak dirumah sendiri


  7. Jadi sampe sekarang gak tau sakit apa, Sher?

    Mudah-mudahan lekas sembuh total ya..and gak kumat lg.

  8. Hi Sher, aku kaget ga ke sini beberapa hari tau2 baca berita Lan sakit :( Kok aneh jg ya dokter-nya sampe ga tau sakit apa...
    Baca postingan2 kmu sebelumnya I can see how much you love him, that's awesome. Get well soon Lan...

  9. Bagus deh udah pulang. Mudah2an cepat sembuh. Cuma karena masih bisa dibilang "setengah misterius" tuh penyakitnya, kayanya mesti keep an eye on him terus ya, hmmm....

  10. jd lom tau penyebab nya ? aneh juga
    pokoknya semoga beenr2 hubby sehat lagi yah Nie !

  11. Gimana keadaan Lan sekarang, Sher?


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