The Fun with Friend!

Living by myself is fun! I am free; I can do whatever I want, I don't have to feel bad if I don't go with flat mates, etc. There are a lot of fun being independent.

Delicious and yet sickly Melting MochaHowever, there are a lot of fun, too, when you are living with a good and considerably one of the best-friends you have! And that's what I am feeling right now. After almost three years knowing each other, Viona and I now have the chance to live together, even in the short amount of time we have. Today is the first day we live together and I am happy! I have to say I am enjoying it a lot. The laughing, the conversation and last but the best part is the cooking time! I love cooking by myself, but I even love it more when I have a friend, who is doing it together with me! I find it fascinating to be able to share thoughts and ideas in the cooking.

Oh well... We still have some time together! And I will surely be enjoying these time as much as I can!

To Viona: Thanks for the opportunity of having a great time, friend! :)

Ps. For the explanation of musical baton (from the previous posting), please have a look this site. I hope it will be all clear! *grin*

Once again... Have a great weekend, everyone! A blessed one, a blast one, and a better one than the previous! Take care!

Picture: this is a choco-coffee dessert that is very rich and filling. Very nice and yet can be quite sickly! We made that today (Thursday night) for the first time! A good dessert if you don't eat too much of it. :P


  1. dan nanti setelah terbiasa tinggal bareng teman, saat sendiri rasanya sepiiii ...

    met wiken sherly :)

  2. there are a lot of fun, too, when you are living with a good and considerably one of the best-friends you have! setubuh banget sher dengan kata-kata ini, terharu bacanya.. smoga kita bisa kaya begini yah sher, you're always my sister. Susah kalau punya teman dengan situasi gampang marah, yang ada apa yang kita ucapkan atau maksud jadinya menjadi salah pengertian, beruntunglah dirimu non.. semoga kalian selalu bersama dalam suka duka:)
    btw, dessert~nya boleh juga nih... slurrrrp, dah siap deh jadi ibu RT:) tapi enak mana yah ama RIBS, hahahahaha....

    happa wiken yah sher.. have a great one:) doain KIMI menang yak... hahaha *_°

  3. pertama, saya setujuuuu, saya suka sekali tinggal sendirian, bebas jungkir balik kek, mo loncat2 kek, bebasssss..
    Kedua, resepnya apa yah nduk itu dessert?
    Ketiga, met wiken yaahhh *hugz*

  4. aku tuh susah banget loh kalo mo sharing kamar, sherl...

    thanks yah, comment box-nya nga yang pop-up.. khihihi.. jadi aku nga mesti jadi anonymous nih.. asyiiiik!!!!

    met weekend, yah sherl.. GBU!

  5. Sher, pindahan kemana? yg pindah rumah atau blognya...cerita2 dong? atau masih sibuk?

  6. asikkkkkkk tinggal bareng ama si princess ....... bisa buka catering soon :P met weekend sherly :) ....tantemuw ini baru pulang gawe nich bed keep calling me .... :P gtg noww....... muahhh


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