It's OUT! It's OUT!

The final result is finally OUT! Oh God... several days of anxiety tires me so much. Now I am feeling exhausted... My marks aren't as bad as I thought. They are good. The most important thing is that I got first class classification.

Here in England, universities have a standard ranking system. First class means the average of my marks is above 75. Second upper means the average is between 65 and 74. Second lower class is the between 50 and 64 then below 64 is the third class.
Hence, I am very glad I got a first class...

Thanks for all the support and prayers, my friends! I appreciate all of it very very much! God bless you all!

Ps. Special thank you for my beloved Oen-Oen, who keeps encouraging, supporting and cheering me up without failing under any situations. I love you, say...


  1. hebaaaaat, selamat yaa :)
    btw kalo first class diatas 75, kalo yg executive class berapa :D

  2. Congratulation sher...what a realease...apalagi bisa dapat first class terutama dapat dukungan dari yayang...

    all the best for the next ya sis ^^

  3. horee,selamat ya sher..sistemnya kaya waktu aku kuliah dulu tuh..

    libur donk abis ini?enjoyy!

  4. wah senengnya dapet rangk class 1 slamat...slamat... :D

  5. congratulations and celebrations...:D

  6. Wooww... selamat ya sher. U deserve the best ;)
    Liburannya pasti tambah asiikk ;)

  7. wah...seneng bgt dpt ranking 1..., hadiahnya apa neh???

  8. Selamat ya.. traktir doonk Sher..

  9. wowwww!!! congratz ya, cc!!!
    cool banget bisa dapet 1st class!!

  10. waw keren!!! 1st class!! mana disela2 ujian masih sempet bikin cerfet pula.. siplah!

  11. Lord bless u always Sher ^0^ keep d best yach ^0^ wah weekend fiesta donk ^0^

  12. Keren dapet First Class, kayak di pesawat berarti kan itu business class..he.he..
    Congrats yah Sherly. You deserved it.

  13. waaaaaah selamat yaaaaaaaaaa.... *hugs* bangga deh!
    dv jga baru kelas final test, duhh hasilnya gimana yaaa :(

  14. Congratulation Sher.. wow, first class.. you have studied hard this term, now it's turn to have fun and relax. You deserved it, sis. :)

    And happy weekend too :D

  15. Sher, selamat ya:) meskipun ngucapinnya rada2 telat:) moga sukses terus ya:)



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