HOT pot for HOT summer

Last week, Lan and I had hot pot for dinner in my flat kitchen. It is sort of a traditional chinese way of eating together with friends or family, while having plenty of time to have conversation. It was nice and very relaxing. I had a nice time talking to him about a lot of things. He did took some photos of the event, but I can't upload them now because my HDD has completely crashed and I can't use the laptop at all. So maybe later when the laptop is fixed, I will upload the photos.
Yep... my HDD has finally RIP. I have bought a new one, which cost me 80 pounds (because I have to buy the 1.8" HDD instead of 2.5" one). But really... my laptop is giving me so much trouble. When trying to open up the case to change the HDD, there is this one screw that screwed both of us up. No matter how hard we try to unscrew it, it just would not move a single bit. So finally, this morning, we went to a machinery shop that has all those handy but expensive tools. And... Yay! The store manager helped us to unscrew it and thank God I don't have to buy those expensive tool. (It took us the whole day trying to unscrew the bloody *excuse my language* screw and failed and left with sore fingers, but it took the man 5 minutes to do it!)
So, hopefully, my laptop will be alive real soon.

You might ask... Then how can I post this? Hehehe... Right now I am using Lan's laptop to check my e-mail, blogwalk and surf the Internet, while he is enjoying his treat from his friend (watching Pirates of Carribean 2... huhuhu... I want to go, too! But, anyway...)

Oh yeah... on this same date, last year, I graduated. Time flies, doesn't it? One year and here I am... still in Liverpool, yet with a very different condition and stress level, too!
Anyways, that's all for now! Take care and God bless!


  1. Wordpres ada fasilitas buat import postingan dari blogger. Ntar lihat menu navigation import, tinggal ikutin aja instruksinya. Tapi ini buat WP versi 2.1 keatas, kalo versi lama yang 1.5 belum bisa setahuku sih.

    Trus kalo wordpress yang free aku ga tahu, dah lama ga masuk Sher..

    Kalo blogsome, rasanya dulu sempet juga lihat ada fasilitas importnya kok..

    Gini aja saran aku, bikin dulu di 2-2nya, lalu pelajari dulu, ntar kalo udah sreg ama yang satu, ya udah pake yang itu..

    Klo ada apa2 email aku aja kesini:

  2. aku juga makai laptop mas dapit neh, laptopku belom balek...

  3. Yep time flies for sure, gak kerasa udah Juli lagi. Sher, kayaknya kau cocok kali dengan Lan *batak mode on* Kayaknya kalian berdua udah saling ketergantungan. Bener gak sih? Mohon dimaapkeun kalo gak bener, sok teu hehe. Kayaknya mendingan Blogsome.Com kalo buat free hosting Sher... soalnya kalo Wordpress.Com setauku gak bisa edit template. Setauku loh ya, gak tau klo skrg dah bisa, soalnya aku bikin account itu dulu udah lama. Lagian fitur2nya sama tuh WP.Com ama Blogsome, they're under the same hosting.

  4. tak pinjemin laptie ku, Sher. imbalannya traktir makanan cina, hehe...

  5. Sher, kanapa mo ganti ke blogsome??..*sorry baru baca postinganmu yg kmrn*, klo' emang lbh bagus di blogsome, why not, yg penting elu tetep ngeblog ya....

    mmmm..romantis skali bisa makan bareng, ditunggu lho foto2nya...

    Happy friday sist...GBU...

  6. laptop ku juga ga jelas kenapa. masa laptop kalo dinyalain bunyinya kaya kapal terbang :P dibenerin, nyoba dibuka chasingnya ga bisa2, padahal kayanya sih semua baut udah dibuka.. sekarang tergeletak begitu saja nunggu tuannya bawa ke toko komputer hehehe :P

  7. ahak.. ahak..
    baik skalii pacarmu mw meminjamkan laptop..
    huhuhu syenangnyaa..

  8. Kalo udah sayang...apa2 pun rela dipinjemin , ya kan sherly :).

  9. duuh mesranya nih Sher,,, jadi pengen:p
    btw gw lupa tgl gw lulus kuliah kapan yak? yg jelas taun kemarin juga hahaha...

  10. setuju ama rosy, poto dong, potooo...
    penasaran neh ama si Lan, hehehe...

  11. Pirates of Carribean 2?? Ikuuuuuuttt!!!

    Kadang aku mikir, kali ya, screw2 itu emang sengaja dibikin susah buat ngelepasinnya.

  12. 80 pound itu berapa rupiah sher?..

  13. srew nya bisa dikasih sedikit liquid utk loosens sticky mechanism, biar mudah tp jgn banyak2
    *aku kok ga pernah diajak nge-teh ma fe ya Sher..musti protes nih ha ha (ngiri mode ON)

  14. beginilah asiknya punya pacar. Gak ada kompi di rumah, gak ada warnet.. ada koibito... lancar.. lancar. :p

  15. waduh makin lengket aja neh...kayak perangko :)

  16. Saya kmrn nyoba2 wordpress. Tapi masing2 orang juga, sii.. Saya ngga gitu suka. Rasa ngga familiar aja. Skarang mau dihapus susah banget. Ya udah, terlantar saja. hihihi..

    Well, blessed weekend, non!

  17. Shier, komputermu ikut hangus krn kepanasan ya :)
    disini siang suhu mencapai 48 derajat dan malam sekitar 30, jd setiap bangun tentu dlm keadaan sauna :)


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