version 1.3: "Keys"

New layout! Hehehe... I had been very lazy posting on my blog these days; most of the times I spend with Lan or doing my dissertation bit by bit. I only have a month left before I go home, so I want to spend as much time as I can with him.
This layout, ummm..., what can I say? Lan actually bought the set of 'key-shaped' pendants shown in the corner up there *pointing to the top of the layout*. The one with the black stones is his, and the other one is mine. So we are a pair *grin*. The colours are mostly his favourite colours; red and black. I added white and pink, so that it would not be so dark and making it at least girly for my blog. However, I find the red is a bit too much, should I make it darker? (the font colour, I mean) Have your say, friends. :)

Sorry for my laziness of not updating nor blogwalking, but will do soon.
Ps. come to think of it, I might not move to, I am just too lazy. Hihihi...

Have a good week, peeps!


  1. cieee yg dikasih kunci:p
    kunci spy langgeng nih?

    sukses bwt disertasinya ya!!

  2. ga pa2 kok, aku ajah baru mulai jalan2 lagi nih

  3. gambar kuncinya bagus deh.. =)
    warnanya juga udah oke, sherl... apik!! mau dong dibikinin, hehehehehehehe......

  4. punya arti khusus gak neeh dengan kuncinya?
    kunci buat buat menempuh hidup baru yach

  5. waw so cute n romantis bgt gitu loh Nie,senada dgn kidung cintamu :)

    bagus kok kombinasi warnanya,aku suka,ceria tp kalem ..hehe itu kan kata seleraku ;)

  6. wuihhhh... it's so sweet...
    Lan is a romantic guy, isn't he?
    Hehehee.... semoga langgeng terus yah, Nie.
    Jarak itu jadi masalah atau nggak, cuma tergantung cara pandang kita sendiri. Tapi kalo diliat2 sih, kalo masing2 dah punya kunci buat hati yang laen, yaaaa mudah2an semua no problem.
    Lan disuruh pindah ke indo aja, sogok pake indomie, hehehe....

  7. warnanya cantik banged say!!

    doi-mu romantiss euyyyy!! kuncinya keren hehehe!

    layoutnya cantik banged neng, blockquote boxnya kerennnn

    (btw, stuff sent ystday)

  8. waaa..
    leot baruna simple tapi elegan gitu..

    huhu aq juga sepertinya mw hiatus niy..
    lg malez apdet heuheuheu..

  9. Cocok...cocok!
    Ikutan voting buat layout yang terbaru ini! Dirawat baik2 ya non kuncinya, untuk buka banyak pintu nantinya..he he

  10. bagus nih kak desainnya...
    congrats for your new lay-out...


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