New Brighton

Beach! Hehehe... We had such a great time when we went to the beach at New Brighton yesterday! In the morning, we met in front of my accommodation at 10.05. I was in a rush because I had to make 8 sandwiches for our lunch. *sama-sama lagi bokek, makanya bikin makan siang sendiri biar hemat * Then, we went to Liverpool Central Station to catch the train.

New Brighton is not very far from Liverpool. It is less than an hour journey by train. The town itself does not have much to see, only the beach! Yesterday was a good day (although at the end I felt it was very HOT!), we took our time walking along the beach, seeing the kids swam and playing with the water. Unfortunately, the tide rose very quick yesterday. It was only 1.30 pm and almost all the sand area is covered by the water, but anyway, we had a great time. We actually got time to sit on the beach and eat our lunch. It was like a picnic. Hehehe...

Then, we walked around until we got lost and had to ask for direction to get to the train station. So, basically, it was a day of going to the beach and exercising, because we walked a lot. Even wearing flip-flop did not make much difference, I was still very tired.

One thing, though, when I saw Lan in the morning and the clothes he wore, I was commenting, "you look as if it is winter now." Well, he reasoned that he does not want to get sun-burn. *Oh well, fair enough! But, then, it was so hot that we both were very happy when we felt the very tiny breeze.*

Overal, I was very happy spending the whole day with him. It was such a sweet time together.

Have a blessed weekend, friends! God bless you all!

Ps. more photos can be seen from: New Brighton


  1. ih mesranya,seneng lihat kalian b2 bahagia Nie,kemesraan kan bukan dilihat dr jalan2 serba lux,rasa cinta kalian justru luxury yg tidak terbayar :P,cinta oh cinta jangan bikin Nie mabuk kepayang (canda) happy weekend yah Nie -gbu-

  2. Waa, summer = beach yah, he3... :) Klo liat di film2, negara dengan 4 musim, klo musim panas main ke pantai, apakah benar??

  3. Sherrrrrrr..
    duh, mau donk ke pantai.. apalagi sm pacar.. huhuhuhu..
    apa kbar sher? iya, back to blogging lg.. mudah"an ngga males"an lg deh.. mau pulang ke indonesia ya sher?

  4. hmmm di sydney juga ada brighton beach sher *gak nyambung* met wiken yaaa

  5. aduuh mesraa bangettt ...

    duh, jadi pengen ke pantai juga nih. justru tempat2 seperti ini tuh yang paling pas buat jalan2 ama pacar ... hehehe :)

  6. Sher, semangat banged aku baca postingan ini! Hihihi!!! Itu yang moto in sapa ya? Tapi sayang amat ya pulangnya buru2 gak sempet sunsetan dunks? Hehehe.

  7. wih, mesranya...yang liat potonya mesti pada kepingin.

  8. huwaaa... asyik sekali yg lagi in the hoy di pantai =P~

  9. ah asiknyaaaa dan romantisnyaaaa
    asik ya disana ke pantay ga usah takut tsunami hehehe

  10. cuitttt mesranyaa!! daku suka poto telapak kaki yg di mutiply heheheh.

    sedap euy piknik di beach

    asikkk ada yg uda janji mo jadi tourguideku huahaahahah

  11. Waduhhh....mesranya, pantai adalah tempat merajut kasih yg manis.

    Semgoa selalu bahagia :)

  12. kok ga ada pose lagi ditelen ombak sih???

    hihihihi or uber-uberan gitu dong

    piye toh, sering nonton drama korea kok ga dipraktekin gitu lhoooo

  13. Sher.. kok fotonya cuma 1..?
    hehe.. Sekarang aku lagi seneng masuk blog kamu sher.. Baca kisah 2mu yang bener2 waran warni..

  14. pengen ke pantai :(

  15. that was so fun , Sher! There is no place like a beach for catch the romantic athmospher ;))

  16. cieee yg pacaran dipantai...
    berduaan pacar dan ditemani sunset serta kicauan burung camar.
    btw ada burung camar ga ya di pantai itu?:D

  17. wahhh...
    asik yah.....
    bisa berduaan gitu.... ihihihihi...
    ngiri uy... XD XD XD XD (waks!)
    pas matahari terbenam... 'itu' gak... hihihihi... ki... su.... hehehhehe.. *kebanyakan baca komik jepang*. :D

  18. sher, langitnya biru banget..

    ciyeeh sherly..

  19. suit suit... yang lagi ke pantai. Aku kira kemarin itu ke pantainya hari sabtu, makanya aku heran pas ngeliat status K'Sher online sabtu sore kemarin (BBWI). ternyata hari jumatnya. kangan tanah air dong ya?... GBU yo...

  20. aduuuuhhhhhhhh..
    aq lg pengen"na bwangeeetttt k pantayyy dr kpn tw g kesampean ehh baca blog km..
    makin mupeeenggggg..

  21. Awww.. very romantic.. Hehe, jadi pengen ke laut..

  22. duuh sher bahagianya melihat kalian berdua begitu mesraaa!! romantissnya berduaan aja di pantai...apalagi kalo pantainya baguss kek di potonya tuh :D, jadi pengen...

  23. Sherrr, kok blum posting lagih. Keasikan ma Lan yakkk, kami jangan dilupakan yakkk! Hehehe.

  24. say, airnya dingin gak sih ? sejak di amrik gak pernah berenang euy. brrrr


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