Think and Mix
First of all, I'd like to thank you all that had given me encouragements in the previous post. It is like you guys build up my confidence and hope to carry on. Thank you! *hugs*
Right now, I am looking around for Hard Disk Drives' prices... Since the state of my laptop is getting worse each time I turn it on, I am starting to think that it will not be able to survive until September. And with Lan offering help to install it (if I decide to buy it here in England), I am almost convinced to buy it here and fix it as soon as possible. Having a slow laptop iskilling driving me mad!! I just can't stand it! So hopefully soon, this matter should be solved.
Also, right now, I am thinking of moving my blog from blogger to blogsome. What do you guys think? Should I do that? My blog address will still be the same, it's just different blog operator. If so, does anyone know how to transfer my old posts from blogger to blogsome (if it's possible)?
Okay, I think that's all for now. Have a blessed weekend, everyone! God bless you!
Ps. I feel sorry for double blow today on the football fans (including Lan). So unexpected it is... but it's just a game. Still... I found it funny that Lan sounded like a broken-hearted man, just because of this. (and I was jealous to soccer >.< man... oh man...)
Right now, I am looking around for Hard Disk Drives' prices... Since the state of my laptop is getting worse each time I turn it on, I am starting to think that it will not be able to survive until September. And with Lan offering help to install it (if I decide to buy it here in England), I am almost convinced to buy it here and fix it as soon as possible. Having a slow laptop is
Also, right now, I am thinking of moving my blog from blogger to blogsome. What do you guys think? Should I do that? My blog address will still be the same, it's just different blog operator. If so, does anyone know how to transfer my old posts from blogger to blogsome (if it's possible)?
Okay, I think that's all for now. Have a blessed weekend, everyone! God bless you!
Ps. I feel sorry for double blow today on the football fans (including Lan). So unexpected it is... but it's just a game. Still... I found it funny that Lan sounded like a broken-hearted man, just because of this. (and I was jealous to soccer >.< man... oh man...)
Yakin itu karena HDD nya ? Bisa jadi cuma masalah batre CMOS yang udah mabok aja lho ;))
ReplyDeleteKalo hdd nutbuk di defrag hampir ga ngefek. Kalo beri baru, yang lalu ga bisa dipake. Khan rata rata single slot. Terus backupnya piye ? oh ada DVD RW ding :D
Kalo dah beli yang baru, yang lama pake-in HDD enclosure 3.5" yang tanpa power outlet sher. Bisa jadi Flash Disk puluhan giga sambil menghitung hari. ;))
Kalo di Indo, buka casing nutbuk = menghilangkan garansi dan ga bisa RMA. Indo dodol.
Argentina kalah, inggris kalah, brasil kalah. ah.. dodol.. kalah semua.
huhu pacar plus asisten pribadi?
ReplyDeleteahh bner2 beruntung dirimu say hehehe..
met wiken yaa..
gpp say, masih mending jealous sama bola. dulu2 daku pernah jealous sama zeta jones gara2 eks ku kagumi her body mulu di pelem entrapment...
ReplyDeletemendingan bola daripada a pretty babe hehehe
soal blogsome, hmmm, kayanya dulu pernah baca di wordpress bisa import, cuman dah lupa ama linknya. kl di blogsomenya sendiri, daku kaga jelas... still exploring hehe. tar kalo daku kabar2in kalo bisa ya
Sher, kmu bukannya punya space sendiri, kok nggak pake WP aja? Blogsome ama WP sama aja sih tapi kalo pake WP kan bisa nambah plugin2 keren. Trus bisa import postingan juga.
ReplyDeleteSama Sher, daku juga dianggurin nih karna bola *jealous mode on* hehe. Caranya biar gak jealous akhirnya berusaha nonton si bola biar ngerti kenapa dia suka bgt. Eh skrg aku jg malah jadi ketagihan, dan sedih bgt waktu kemarin Inggris kalah! Huhuhu
Hihihihi.. mbak sher lucu2 aja.. masa cemburu sama bola c.. hihihihihi.. tenang aja mbak, bentar lagi piala dunia akan berakhir kok. Hihihihihi.. :D :D :D ngomong2 kapan ya Indonesia bis aikutna piala dunia? (beuh.. ngimpi!!! wew.. ;P).
ReplyDeleteWah... laptopnya nyebelin banget ya... udah, jangan pusing2... ancurin aja, trus beli yang baru. palak donk.. palak.. (matre mode: AUTO!). Hihihihi... canda ah.
Mo pindah ke blogsome? Kenapa? Well, asalkan tetap ngeblog.. ke mana aja juga boleh kok. :D
laki2 umumnya gila bola. aku kemaren coba ngikutin, tapi tetep aja ngga suka ... hihihi
ReplyDeleteLaki2 kalo ga suka bola kayanya ada yang konslet :P tunggu aja ntar kalo bolanya udah selesai, pay back time :D
ReplyDeletehahaha...normal lah itu sher..santai aja...;p
ReplyDeletebtw gak coba aja...keliatannya lebih enak dech...
belakangan aku jadi suka nonton bola sherl.. gara2nya sih sekarang tiap tengah malem sering kebangun karna kehausan.. abis itu jadi susah tidur... jadi deh, aku nonton itu perjuangan perancis!!! allez les bleus!!!
ReplyDeletengemeng-ngemeng, kenapa pindah ke blogsome, sherl??
kalo misalnya blogsome mendukung FTP mungkin saja, sis. coba cek di forum
ReplyDeleteitu bro Lan suka bola juga? hehehe... wajar itu kak anak cowok suka bola (walau ada yg nggak kayak aku) kadang ya... kaum cewek seharusnya ngerti soalnya anak cowok di darahnya mengalir semangat kompetisi dan maskulin sejak lahir, entah jadi komandan, pelatih atau petarung lapangan. biari aja sis nggak usah cemburu, ntar udah siap nonton bola Ko Lan pasti balik lagi cerita-cerita sama kak sherly.
Ola Sherly, ade niiii.. lama banget ga kontak ya.. anyway, ade baru aja ganti Hardisk notebook nih.. harga disini Rp. 750rb utk 60Gigabyte merek Seagate.. kalo mau sebelum ganti, make sure dulu.. coba di format zero fill.. terus install lagi.. kl masih bermasalah baru deh ganti... semoga membantu...
ReplyDeleteOK Sher! AKu dukung klo mo pindah WP!
ReplyDeletekasihan lan yg sedih karena sepak bola...
ReplyDeleteaku pake blogsome utk resep2, lumayan tuh.
gue setuju ama
ReplyDeleteSheilla mending lo pake WP aja lebih mudah
Mhh, setuju kalo mau pindah ke blogsome. Tag2nya dah Wordpress banget. So bisa banyak latihan disitu. Ada fasilitas categori yang di blogspot ga ada. Ganti themenya juga ampir sama, standar deh. Ayo Sher.. kapan pindah? Ga sabar tunggu link barunya..
ReplyDeleteLan dibeliin coklat aja Sher.