
Today, I am so excited to go to church... I miss the time going to church together with my family and I miss the spiritual feelings that I can never feel the same elsewhere. I cried.
My million thanks were not enough to express how much I am grateful for all that Jesus done in my life; taking me overseas to learn many things and every time bringing me back safely home. I am always touched by His grace and mercy; the never-ending love He shows me through my family, friends, loved ones and especially through Lan.
Thank you, Lord, for the protection and the promises You have given unto my family. For I believe, although the earth may pass away and the heaven tumbles down, Your words will be fulfilled. You will do as You promise. I believe and I trust in You. Life is hard for our family, but I believe You are taking us to a higher level; closer to you and more intimate... to become your beloved family. Thank you, Father!
The greatest priviledge on earth and in heaven is to be loved by You, my Lord Jesus Christ.


  1. suenengnya yach bareng2 ikut misa. benar2 berkat dari- Nya, Sher.
    syukurlah perjalanan ke Indo lancar2 aja. enjoy your days!

  2. Good is good all the time...He is faithful in good and bad time...enjoy your time with your family sis...

  3. humm... religius banged yah :D
    good lahh.. :)

  4. Aku juga dah sebulanan lebih ga ke gereja bareng fam nih....

  5. baguslah udah di indo n ngumpul bareng keluarga.
    GBU always ya

  6. have a nice day yah... :D
    kpn balik ke UK sher?

  7. Lagi geram dan sedih...Liverpool FC kalah derby! :)

  8. waah lagi liburan apa back for good nih...
    enjoy yah !!

  9. yuhuuu sherly, asik dong udah di denpasar. aku februari taon depan rencananya mau main kesana bareng temen2. bolos bareng judule hahaha
    lama ya baru februari, abis dapetnya baru di februari sih, biasa pake yang murah meriah merah aka airasia:-P

  10. iya itu yang aku miss tuh disini...kadang2 kalo ke gereja sendirian jadi suka sedih & nangis...abis dulu always bareng2 ma keluarga siiyyyy

  11. Hai sisss! Seneng ya bisa ke gereja bareng bonyok lagi. Yang bikin bete balik Indo cuman koneksi internetnya aja kan, hehehe. Thanks for sharing, hun. It makes me feel grateful as well. HUGSSS!


  12. Wah, nie jadi ceritanya dah balik ke indo nih.
    Duh, misa bareng keluarga it's really nice sist'

    Di doain cepat dapat kerja yach.Amin

  13. wah... senangnya ya dalam suasana religius bersama keluarga... keluarga memang segalanya :)

  14. Sher... akhirnya sampe juga dirumah ketemu keluarga semua... Itu juga dambaan gw selalu Sher, bisa ke gereja bareng keluarga...Pokoke nikmati aja waktu waktu bersama keluarga,... Lan selalu setia menunggu koq di UK...hmmm, gw bisa ngebayangin betapa rindu-nya loe ame Lan Sher...asli, ngga enak tapi sabar ya Non...telp ame Inet kan selalu setia dipake kapan aje ;)...

    XXX Shierly

  15. huaa....senangnya ngumpul bareng keluarga lagi...

  16. Hallo Sher!! Udah di indo yah? Ngapain kamu sekarang? Oia, denger-denger kamu dah sama Lan yah? Congrats yaaa.... I am so happy for both of you.

  17. huhu syenangnya bs mengobati kangen sm keluarga :)
    mampir k jkt dunk..


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