Last post before I go home...

I am feeling nervous right now... Soon I will be on my long journey to go home. For several days, my emotions were up and down... I really cannot distinguish between sadness and happiness; sometimes I suddenly cried just because I don't want to be far from Lan... This is the hardest time for me to leave United Kingdom. It used to be so excited, it used to be so happy for me to know that in several days I will be with my family.
But now, it's different... I have someone I love dearly here and it breaks my heart to leave him...
I noticed the sadness in your heavy voice...
The hesitation you have in making choice...

I know it must be hard for you these several days...
Letting me go and saying goodbye everytime the day ends.
I feel it, too...
But I'd rather pretend to not know;
Rather try to make you smile and laugh;
Rather think that this is not the end and you will surely come;

I'd rather not say 'goodbye'...
For I miss you already before I actually go.
And each step closer to home breaks my heart...
Coz it means one step further away from you.

So let me believe and dream foolishly...
That you are coming tomorrow,
And imagine that you are always near me, beside me.

Take courage and smile, my love.
I am taking half of your heart with me...
And I am leaving half of mine for you.

nie, 02 September 2006

See you soon, friends... Pray that I will be safe in my journey. Denpasar, here I come... with a mixture of happiness and sadness... At home, I might not be able to blogwalk very frequently, but I'll try my best. :)

Ps. Good luck for your interview today, dear. I pray for you and hope you have a good time in Birmingham. I am so tempted to ring you, but I will fulfil my promise to the favor you asked me on Sunday, the last day I met you before I leave...
Even the roses you gave, I don't have a heart to throw them away yet... "Just a little longer, I want to see it to remind myself of you...," I thought. How is Birmingham? Do you like it? Take care, dear. I miss you so much.
'Til I see you again.


  1. Selamat jalan yah Nie,dinikmati liburannya,dun wori lah ttg perpisahan sementara dgn Lan,kan ada inet dan hp -beruntung qt yg lair di jaman serba canggih yah non-.. u can still keep in touch ama si doi,liburan ke keluarga itu sgt berharga say..think about it brapa mahal hrs bayar ongkos,dan brapa jauh jaraknya,demi cita2 dan masa depan kamu jauh dr mereka berbulan bulan,lucky you masih bs pulang sambang when you have day off.. banyak yg ga bisa plg untuk pengiritan pengeluaran.. so Nie .. Smoga kamu selamat sampai di negara kita tercinta yg bener2 slalu bikin kangen,and i wish you have a great trip yah.. am gona miss your love story yekkkk :P, pokoke have fun-lah non.. eh btw.. am gona miss your posting (heheeh kalo yg ini boóng,just kissing arse to you =)) :P )

    mat bobo sayang,take a good rest,and jgn lupa preksa tuh barang2 yg mo dibawa..-kiss n huggies-

  2. ps... Nie ,Q minta di letakin setangkai bunga di gapura manapun yg Nie jumpain kalau gi ingat pesanan ini kalau dah nyampe di bali yah,hehe kebiasaan kalo gi di bali,thn ini aku ga ke bali.. jd Nie kan kebetulan disana ;) when you do it,i can feel it that my soul in bali too -thz sebelumnya- xxx

  3. have a safe trip ya, sher...titip si cinta ama tetangga hehe

  4. Wah, hati2 di jalan yah... . Dari Inggris ke Indonesia berapa jam sih pesawatnya?? Transitnya brapa kali tuh?? :)

    Ya gpp kan, toh bukan berarti pisah selamanya kan?? Sabar yaaa

  5. have a nice trip, Sher. love will lead u back...(ada judul lagunya tuh).
    jangan lupa oleh2nya dibawa, yang ati2...

  6. wah udah mw pulang ya say?
    ati" yaa dijln..
    minta no hp pas di indo dunk..

    take care *mwah*

  7. Sherly Chayank...Duuhhh, Betapa bahagia-nya dikau Sist...Ngga papalah ninggalin Lan sebentar untuk nanti bertemu lagiii...Romantis-nya crita dibawah..Jadi inget dilamar Frans dulu he he he... Sabar say, Nikmati hari hari di Denpasar bersama Family, Lan selalu setia mananti di UK :)...ati ati dalam perjalanan kesana dan jaga kesehatan say...GBU always ;)

    XXX Shierly

  8. Hepi holidei ya Sher :)
    Gak pa-pa sm bokin elo..pasti makin kuat loh tali kasih tante yulia mah mang sok teuuuu...ixixixiii..

  9. Take care yah Sher, smoga lancar perjalanan pulangnya. Mulai hidup baru, inget fisikly emang kepisah tapi hati kan engga hehe ...Cheer up Sheerrr ^_^

  10. met jalan sher..

    sabar ya..
    yang kamu tanem skrg, pasti jadi buah yang paling manis pada waktunya nanti..

  11. Sher, met jalan ya, have a safe and nice flight. Seneng dong bentar lagi bisa ketemu mami papi lagi.

    Jangan dibawa sedih, nanti Lan jadi ikutan sedih loh, jadi gak konsen deh ntar interview-nya. Kan ntar Lan bakal nyusul ke Denpasar. Jangan dibawa pikiran berapa lama kalian bakal misah, tapi pikirkan aja bahwa setiap hari2 yg bakal kamu laluin itu akan ngebawa kamu menjadi semakin dekat ke hari di mana kamu dan Lan bakal sama2 terus bwt selamanya.


    Btw... Hmmmh baru nyadar aku bisa romantis jg ya. Hehe.

  12. waaa going home yaa... tp tampaknya happy kan yaa

    aku juga eventually akan balik ke indo desember ini... tetapi is not a good news... coz i have to start all over again. The things that i've been doing for the last 4 years, sepertinya hilang begitu saja..

    wew jadi curhat ^^ gomen2

  13. Sher...elu mo mudik to, smoga slamat sampe' rmh...
    yg tabah aja ya sist, klo' emang jodoh pasti ketemu lg ama Lan...

    GBU sist...

  14. wuih mo pulang toh?
    ati2 di jalan ya!
    jaga pandangan selama ditinggal:p

    met liburan..!
    semangka ya sher:)

  15. wah, abis dilamar kok ditinggal pulang....wah selamat berkangen2 ria ya...

    pasti ntar dipesawat nangis deh :p
    trus kalo kangen, cincinnya diliatin *sok tau modeON*


  16. wah, i know it supposed to be cheering comment.. tapi entah kenapa meskipun kamu bilang sedih aku malah ngiri loh, indah aja gitu between u and him *sotoy* hehe.. cmon.. sure u gonna thru this..

  17. Have a safe journey home ya sist. Jangan terlalu sedih, sekarang kan jaman dah canggih, ada sms, ym dan imel. You'll be ok *hugs*

  18. Semoga bisa cepet ngumpul sama keluarga di denpasar, dan semoga hari" di denpasar bahagia. Lalu bisa kembali ke tempat Lan lagi... dengan rasa kangen terbayarkan yang di Indo. :)

    btw Lan bisa bahasa indo ga tuh? :D

  19. So sweet..... you are really in love :)... cepet sembuh ya Nie... dikasih sore throat biar banyak istirahat :)


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