less than a week

September is at its end... Unnoticely, I have been at home for almost a month now. And it has been a month as well I have not seen Lan. Yes, we still chat and text each other, but we both agree that the relationship needs the ability to see each other easily to be able to grow. However, through the experience of being apart from each other, we learn that our feelings are true towards each other and to test our seriousness.

Therefore, although being far away from him makes me feel sad sometimes, most of the times I thank God because I learn many precious lessons; about my feelings, his feelings, his seriousness and many others. Every step of our life is really a meaningful lesson.

Anyway, 6 days to go and I grow really nervous... Hoping and praying that all will go well when Lan comes to meet my parents. Please pray for us, friends.

That's all for now, I think. God bless you all!


  1. *amin*

    I'll pray for you

    don't worry sist, kalo tuhan yg memulai hubungan ini, pasti dia akan membawa ke jalan yg baik, dan mengakhiri di tempat yg baik pula

    --> merit

    jgn lupa undang2 ya
    miss u

  2. asiiiiik..

    mo nglamar ke ortumu ya sher..

    seneng deh paca postingan2 sebelumnya.. Lan mo ke bali awal okt.. Lan mo dibaptis.. ur paretns excitement..

    smoga lancar ya sher..

  3. dah lama g blogwalking sher, piye kabare... emailmu baru ta bales tadi mangap pisan :(

    wah aciikk..aciik.. bentar lagi calon menantu dateng pake pesta penyambutan ya.. wis semoga lancar ya pas hari Lan dateng :D

  4. huhuhu klo org lg fall in luv emang sehari berasa seabad :p
    ya ampyun tinggal itungan hari lg, sabar yaa..
    jgn" ntar langsung nikah lg pas Lan dtg hihihi

  5. duh sherr .. ngaa bisa comment selain ikut seneng akuu !!

  6. kak sher, ini lagi nyanyi menghitung hari-nya Krisdayanti kan? hehehehe kabur ah...

    btw, memang mau merit muda kan? JBU...

  7. Wakaka, berarti favorite song minggu ini lagunya KD yang "Menghitung Hari" ya?? He3... :)

  8. wah... asik nih.. bentar lagi ya.. hihihi.. siyap.. siyaaap... :D

  9. ikutan dag dig dug nih sher....
    moga2 semuanya lancar yaah...yaa lamaran, yaa baptisan...
    i'll pray for you...GBU

  10. Sher..
    Hari ini udh tanggal 2 loh..
    2 hari lagi masa penantian..
    Pasti rasanya ga sabar banget ya, pingin cepet2 hari H dan ketika ketemu, berharap waktu akan berhenti, sehingga bisa terus bersama Lan.. hehe iya kan..
    Lily, doain dari jauh ya Sher..
    Semoga segala sesuatunya berjalan dengan baik dan lancar sesuai dengan apa yg Sherly harapkan..
    GBu Sher..

  11. duuhh yang mau merit, pasti lagi berbunga bungan tuh

  12. All the best for u and Lan, everything will go well, I hope.

  13. Keeping you both in my prayers.


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