330. Acceptance news & secret admirer

Praise The Lord! I just read a great news from my supervisor-to-be today. The University of Liverpool have sent me the offer letter last Friday, 16th February 2007. That's not the end of the process yet... In fact, the 'battle' begins now. I have to start sending the application forms for various scholarships and of course, pray harder and continually.
So, first of all, thank you for all of you that have been helping in prayers for my PhD application. And secondly, please continue to help in prayer for the scholarship applications. I know and am sure that The Lord has great plans for me.

About the secret admirer that everybody has been curious of... Well, again, it is not the time yet for me to say who it is, but one day, I will tell you. Hehehe... *that doesn't say much, does it?*
But, devishanty was right to say that, since I know the person, he is not a secret anymore to me, but a secret to all of you. So, I shall leave him with the name secret admirer until the 'show time'. Be patient on this.

Well, yesterday, we had a fight... we hurted each other, but it is all over now and we have said our apologies to each other. Love is so messy, right?

I am still coughing a lot. Today, I went to the doctor, he said I got infection somewhere in the lung, but it is not serious. He gave me some medicines. I hope after the 3-days medication, I will be healthy again, because this cough has been disturbing my sleep at nights.

God bless you all, my friends!!


  1. wah, congratz yach uda di accept di UofL but still have a lot 2 do ;). cepet sembuh yach... n i'll waiting d post about ur secret admirer :p.GBU

  2. congratulation ya, i also pray for your success, and about secret admirer, let it be secret for us, and semoga cepat sembuh. thanks

  3. selamat Nie! wah ikut seneng loh doa2nya terkabul.

    yaaa...gitu deh selama ada relationship pasti ada masalah, yang sabar aja yach.

  4. Batuk emang mengganggu lahir batin!!! Cepet sembuh Nie!!

  5. admire lagiii..
    sher, mampir di blogfam yaa..
    di topik ini. :D

  6. congratulation ya sher. semoga lancar jalan kedepannya. amin.

    happy nyu year juga ya sher. semoga membawa keberuntungan.

    semoga cepat sembuh.


  7. heuheuheu
    ayoo berjuang ya
    jiau yu@

    aku berdoa smoga semuanya baik2 saja
    aku melok bangga atas battle of beasiswanya:)

  8. hCongratulations dear...
    Semoga sukses yaaa...GBU ^^

    dan jangan lupa kasih tau id si secret admirer yaa...hehehehehe...jadi penasaran euy..

    get well soon sher...

  9. wah... jadi ikutan penasaran neh... siapa ya secret admirernya? hehehe...

    anyway... congrat ya.. n banyak istirahat biar cepet sembuh sher...

  10. Selamat ya Sher, dah diterima di UofL and good luck for everything else.

    Ma kasih ucapan selamatnya untuk Dashqa, maaf ya baru sempat mampir lagi.

    Oya, cepet sembuh ya batuknya.

  11. puji Tuhan ya kak.

    btw, makasih banyak udah bantu mendukungku dlm doa, sidang kemarin sukses. haleluya!


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