Happy birthday, my little angel!

Six years ago,
I was so looking forward to your birth.
Although I was still in Shepparton, but I felt we were bonded the second you were born.

These six years, no matter where I was; Liverpool or home,
I have never stopped being amazed by the miracles God has made; how you were created and how you grow each day in His faithful cares.
Everyday, you teach me new things through your cheerful smiles, shiny eyes and happy personalities.

And today,
I give thanks unendlessly to the Lord, for you...
for a beautiful angel and beloved sister that He has given into my life.

Happy 6th birthday, Grace!

Cece loves you!


  1. Happy birthday to Grace :)... panjang umur, sehat, makin pinter, makin sayang mama papa juga kakak kakak ya Grace :)... Muuuaahhhh :)...

    Sher, Poem-mu untuk Grace bagus banget,... Gw bener bener menikmati ngebacain-nya

    XXX Shierly

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY buat Grace yaaaa.... :)

    Wish Her All Da Best... :)

  3. Aaahhh... ada yang ulang taun!!!
    Happy birthday, Grace.
    Tuhan menjaga selalu.
    Hayoo mana kuenya?? :)

  4. happy belsday Grace! semoga bahagia sellau.
    wah sher, aku dulu pernah merengek-regek minta adek. kayaknya enak ya klo punya adek kitanya udah agak besar dan bisa gendong-gendong.


  5. selamat ulang tahun yang ke-6, Grace... Tuhan Yesus memberkatimu selalu.

    btw, kak sherly mirip sama Han sedang Grace mirip sama Erwin. Benar nggak ya?

  6. happy birthday...
    kirim kuenya...
    kirim kuenya..

    ha ha pa kabar?

  7. hepi bersdey grace
    smoga panjang umur, sehat selalu
    si burung beo lagi ultah nih

    ni anak ampun2 cerewetnya
    smuanya ditanyain
    untungnya ccnya ga secerewet adiknya


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