Bit of This and That

I'm not actually in the mood of posting something, but somehow I want to post something (confused, eh?!) Well, this week, go to Uni for lectures as usual. However, the exciting thing is that I am going to Birmingham with my friends on Wednesday(yay!!). I have never been there, so I think it would be a very good day for me. And, I have got permission from Oen (Akhir-akhir ini susah amat ngedapetin izin 'ngelayap' dari my dearest yg nun jauh di sana ini. Gak tau deh dia kena sindrom apaan... huhuhu...)
Oh well, other than that nothing else, just homework homework homework!! This is the life of a student *sigh*

I noticed today, the flowers are starting to bud again...
They are ready to welcome spring...
I noticed today, the sun does not set so early...
The night is shorten...
I learnt a lesson; God made everything balanced.
The seasons - summer, autumn, winter and spring...
The day and the night - sun and moon...

The Creator of all...
How great are your mights and wisdoms,
Beyond all measurements.
I am proud to be your creature.
Thank you.


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