Life Goes On!

Firstly, I'd like to thank everyone, who has tried to cheer me up and brighten my feeling. Yep... The disappointment lingered for a couple of days in me. It strucked me even deeper when my parents asked about it (I knew they would anyway...), but they know there is nothing can be done to change my marks. The most I can do and should do is to do my best in this last semester. I will do my best once again! I shall not stop!

Today, during the service at Church, a lady, whom I knew for almost 3 years now, asked me whether there is anything I need to be prayed on. The first word that came out from my mouth was "Confidence". I needed it so bad that I was not sure whether I can pass my Bachelor with a good degree... As she was praying, I could not help but cried. As I cried, I felt relieved as if all the burden in my heart has been lifted up by my Beloved Father.
I haven't cried so much on my own lately... usually I cry to Him on my own when there is a matter or two. I guess, I kept it inside myself this time and it sure was painful!
After we finished praying, I felt so much better. I felt my heart was light and I am stronger and confident. Now, I can say to myself: "I am able to go through this, do my best and get a good degree!". I feel great! *smile* The lady, who prayed for me, was smiling at me, giving a sense of peace and happiness. "Nothing is wasted.", she said.
It opened my mind... The Lord let me to go through all of these things for a purpose. Even if it is painful in this present time and may seem useless at all to the future, it is a great feeling to know that all of these thing, all of these lessons and knowledge won't be wasted. The time will come when I will be using what I have learned now.
I am happy now... Thank you, Lord! Thank you, everyone! *smile*

As I have said, Friday afternoon after my last class, I took the coach (big bus) to Manchester City Centre, where I met Rini for the first time. She picked me up and we went to Trafford Centre for window shopping and dinner.
After we finished, we went back to her house that is in Oldham, a little town just outside the city of Manchester.
I have to say that she has a nice, warm and comfortable house. I love her kitchen!!! It is so big that I think if I have a kitchen like that, I won't stop cooking all the time!
Her family is so friendly and great, too! Her husband is so easy-going, both of her children are so adorable! (In fact, I was playing hide-and-seek with them! Feel like five years old again *grins*).
Saturday, the whole family took me for a drive to a village called Saddleworth. Gosh... I saw plenty of beautiful sceneries! The air is so fresh, the village feels so friendly. I praise God for all that I saw!

What a Great Creator You are, o Lord!
Mountains, greens and rivers...
All so beautiful, merged together in harmony.
The human eyes can only adore...
The works of Your hands.
Yet, we, humans, are Your greatest creations.


Show me, o Lord...
The path You prepared for me...
That I may walk in the right direction,
According to Your will and plans.

Pardon me, o Lord...
For complains and grumbles I made against You.
For I know not what the future may bring...
And as human, I am often careless.

Equip me, o Lord...
For the works You qualify me to do...
That I can glorify Your Holy name.

Thank You...
To let me know that I am worthy.
Love You, Jesus!


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