The arrival of my long awaited gift!

It was supposed to be my Christmas gift from Lan last year, but somehow, it didn't make it in time... But I am glad that I finally got it NOW! What is it, anyway?

Well, it's the very FIRST photobook of my scrap-pages! I love how my pages turned out. Though, I did complain about it not being as sharp as it is on my screen or sometimes the photos came out darker than intended, I am so very happy to have it printed out! Totally loving it! Even Lan, who hesitated when he ordered the book for me, loves the book very much and encourages me to aim for another book for 2010. :)
(Click the images to see bigger size)

This week, snow hit Liverpool BADLY! I mean, really, badly! I was so happy when it snowed so much. I went out by myself on a photo-hunting trip, because Lan just hated the cold! I have to say I had so much fun taking photos with my new 50mm lens, although when I got home, I was drenched with water! LOL!
Here is the bad part though... the snow stayed for DAYS and turned to ice! It is really tricky to walk outside without slipping. Some roads are blocked, schools are closed, train and bus services are messed up and, YES, I fell down once on the way to town yesterday. Ick! It takes twice as long to get to the office! And, tomorrow, we're not even sure we can go to church :(
Blah! It's the coldest winter of my history living in Liverpool! (That makes me think about how I am gonna survive in Beijing?!)

Well, there I share a few snowy photos with you all, except for the first photo, which is the photo of our Christmas roasted chicken cooked by ME! Hehehe...

That's it for now. For those experiencing winter craze, KEEP WARM! For those with summer, enjoy the sun! :D And I'll leave you with my two favorite LO that I've made this week: (Ps. I loveeeeee these so much!)

January 2010 template by girlygirl.
Everything comes from Song Sung Blue by Krystal Hartley
WA from touch of love by Dido Designs

Everything from Boyish Charm by Studio mgl,
except for the Date Tag from Creative Wings Designs
Font: Byron


  1. sudah diprint yak? keren :D

    btw... yang foto ke-2 kanan atas itu snowmannya sapa yang bikin? ^^

  2. wuih keren sher bukunya kaya foto prewed gitu, print nya di mana sher bisa bagus begitu?
    kalo udah ada baby juga bisa ya dibikin album begitu, bagusss :D

  3. hehe kita juga sejak disini jadi suka mesen photobook. :)
    so far udah ada 4 photobooks.
    ini lagi mau bikin lagi buat foto2 yang liburan di indo kemaren...

    emang seneng tuh ngeliatin photobooks. lebih asik daripada ngeliatin album foto ya. hehehe.

    @viol: gua gak tau sih kalo sherly mesen dimana, tapi kalo gua biasa mesen di shutterfly ( ini juga bagus print nya. ya just info aja walaupun gua gak ditanya. haha.

  4. wahh bgs photobook nya , aku jg dibikinin sama Julie di Bld . wkt dateng ke JKT maren aku dikasih gift ini tapi itu bukan hasil karyaku hu222 tapi tetepp Thanks to her pastinya ...

  5. Bagus ya Sher jadinya, ini yg kamu bilang waktu itu? Kalo warnanya emang kadang ga sebagus kalo kita liat di komputer, tp it's okay kan ya.

    Man, shutterfly bagus yah? Ntar aku mo coba liat ah.. cuma kayanya ongkirnya mahal euy :(

  6. keren banget sher, photobook nya....
    btw, sekarang Lan sama kamu tambah mirip dehhh

  7. cakeepp sher


  8. @noni: shutterfly bagus... so far kita selalu puas ama hasil photobooknya. even nyetak foto nya pun kita selalu puas ama shutterfly.

    tapi keliatannya blurb lebih murah ya. ntar kudu dicoba nih. ntar gua bandingin deh shutterfly ama blurb mana yang lebih ok.. :)

  9. Sher, thx ya for your Blurb recommendation, got the book today; very hepi with it! :-) Ke Oz sayangnya ga ada shipping yg trackable, aku jg sempet worry gimana kalo ga nyampe yah. But thx God 3 minggu udah nyampe.


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