Here is the first day of 2010!

My plan to watch the London Eye's fireworks countdown last night was a total disaster, after we found out that our analog and old crappy TV does not catch any channels any more after the digital switch-over! Argh!!! We don't watch TV often, but I do want to watch the countdown...
Then, my beloved hubby did his utmost to make sure I can watch the countdown, but looking for the i-Player of BBC channel. Yep, we can watch TV online now, but... BUT, the countdown is NOT available online! Blahhhhhhhhh... that was it... We gave it up!
Instead, we just watched the clock and made our own countdown. LOL! We watched by the window for some fireworks that painted the sky, then we just hugged and kissed and wished each other a very happy new year ahead for our little family. We really hope that by this time next year (yep, I'm talking about 2011 already!), my tummy will be a huge round ball with our junior in it. We can't wait to build our family. Thank The Lord, Lan seems to be wanting to be a daddy too.

Anyhow, after the countdown, we just went to bed. I had a very good tight sleep last night. Great for the first night of the year. :)
And now... we are in the office, the empty office but just the two of us. LOL! I had some markings to do, so, whether I want or not, I had to come and finish of my works.

Anyhow... how is your very first day of the year, friends? God bless!


  1. Happy new year sherrr
    cannot wait to see little sherlyyy or perhaps Lan jr, hihihi pastiii lucuuuuu...

  2. epi niu ye, sher :D Gbu n Lan :)

  3. selamat tahun baru ya sher... ta kiro tahun barunan di indonesia :D

    tahun baruku nonton bioskop... lagi-lagi nonton film hahaha... movie mania :P

  4. happy new year sher! disini fireworksnya udah muali dari jam 9, jadi gua sendiri bingung ama countdownnya kapan, soalnya fireworksnya gak brenti2 hihi..
    semoga harapannya terkabul ya! :D

  5. Suasana taun baru di JKT sepi cuman fireworks yg blushing2 gitu menjelang jam 24.00 . trus rmh g kan deket mesjid jadi ada tuh ceramah New Year kali .. speakernya keras bgt he22
    semoga thn 2010 kita smua dalam keadaan lbh baik yah ! JBU !

  6. Happy New Year... :-)

    Kalo pas New Year dan ga ada acara, biasanya waktu detik2 countdown aku ke atas dan lihat pemandangan fireworks dimana2, lumayan menghibur, hehe. Di Liverpool rame gitu nggak fireworks-nya? :D

    Semoga tahun 2010 menjadi tahun yang baik bagi semua!! :)

  7. Iya Sher itung sendiri aja hehe..Berdua ama Lan 9,8,7,6 hehe

    Aku nonton di news doank siang2x, mereka menyiarkan countdown di banyak negara. Malamnya mah tidur z zz zz

  8. Hello Sherly
    I wish you a wonderful new year 2009 :O)

  9. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010, my bro & sis...

    Best for you,
    Best for me,
    Best for world... Amin.

    Ganti layout ya, sis...?
    Lebih ceraaaaaaah... hehehehe

  10. hehehe kalo disini dari jam 7malem petasan dah berbunyi dimana2.. kembang api apalage.. oalaaa.. baru ngeh kalo dah ganti taon kalo kembang apinya berbunyi ga berenti2 hehehe :)
    Happy new year nie! :)

  11. Selamat tahun baru juga, Sher! Dan amin untuk doanya! Semoga ya, Sher! :-D
    Semoga udah lulus PhD, cukup nabung buat rumah, dan perut sudah melendung! Dan tentunya tetap berbahagia dengan Lan dan seluruh keluarga!

    Oh ya, LO-nya bagus banget, Sher. Really like it!
    Udah lama nggak nongol, begitu lihat langsung terpana, hahaha...!


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