His Assurance!

Ku kan terbang tinggi bagai RAJAWALI
Di ATAS segala persoalan hidupku
TIADA yang mustahil bagi DIA


I will fly high like the eagle
Above all the problems of my life
And I believe that when I am with HIM
Nothing is impossible for HIM!

Amen! Last night while I was having difficulty to sleep, I was listening to this song by Irwan Alexander. And I felt The Lord was re-assuring me about this new year. That nothing is too hard to do when I am with HIM!
I am in the process of writing a paper, as I probably already mentioned it in the past. I was finding it as a mission impossible. Why? The deadline for Abstract submission is on the 15 January and the Paper submission is on the 22 January. That's like days away... YET, I am NOWHERE near finishing it =(
Last night, I went home feeling stuck and frustrated with myself. But, you see..., that's what I did wrong: depending on my own weak brain and only when I am stuck I call for Him. No, it does not work that way. He wants to be there ALL the way, not just at the start or the end, but throughout the whole process...

And I am putting that as a MENTAL note to myself!

Ps. seems that winter is getting bad this year. After 7 years of no heavy snow, this winter we are having lots of snow and yucky ice. I am partly excited with the SNOW and grateful that there is less rain. I prefer it dry. However, it's much colder... temperature drops below zero most of the time. Last night was -5 or something... Still, I am praising The LORD, I've overcame eczema! Woohoo!


  1. wow.. -5?? kaya apa ya, gua gak bisa ngebayanginnya, kaya buka freezer kali yah :)

  2. wuii dingin banget ya...
    disini malah gak gitu dingin sekarang. padalah pas desember kemaren sebelum kita balik indo malah dingin.. aneh jadinya..

  3. sherrr, salut sama keiman'an kamu, wish i could do the same, hihihi goodluck ya papernya, ayooo u can do it!


  4. Wow must be so freezing cold ya Sher. brrr...
    I love that song too.. kl lagi stress, biasanya aku dengerin lagu itu seharian penuh, diulang2 sampe imanku kuat lagi. :-) Ciayo ya..

  5. ayo semangat Nie !
    emang denger2 taun ini winter gila2an yah untung di INdo ga ada winter meski g pgn banget liat salju hu222
    Cia yo !!!

  6. Semangat!!! hehehe, impossible is nothing!! ;-)

    Btw, -5?? Gilaa...


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