Where to print?

A few of you asked me where I printed my photobook, in the last post. Well, here is my answer: www.blurb.com! After so much 'researching' and comparing different printing services, I chose Blurb because it offers the cheapest price for more pages.
So it costs me around GBP20.00 to get a 40-pages photobook printed out and mailed to me! I know that a lot of people use Shutterfly, but gosh, I think their shipping prices are so EXPENSIVE! So, I had to give that one a pass.

I love blurb! Their services are superb and their software is easy to use. I think I'm gonna stick with them until I can find a cheaper alternative (Yeah! I'm all about cheap :p).


  1. Lho, itu ngirimnya darimana?? Mungkin shipping cost Shutterfly lebih mahal karena lokasinya lebih jauh ke UK daripada blurb? hahaha

  2. Shutterfly itu basenya di HK, yang mana anehnya harganya semua in USD plus shippingnya murah utk ke US + Canada but expensive to everywhere else. Sedangkan blurb itu di Seattle. Plus dia ada harga in GBP, USD, CAD, AUD segala...

  3. Thx for the info ya Sher, tadi aku liat di blurb ternyata ga terlalu mahal juga. Di sini photobook untuk yg hardcover 8x8inch itu sekitar AUD29.95. Kalo untuk skr, krn dolar aussie lg bagus, I think it's cheaper untuk print di blurb. Shutterly ongkirnya expensive, you're right. ^^

  4. oh gitu. gua kirain print di tempat cuci film kaya fuji film gitu hehe.. ternyata mesti khusus ya, tapi kalo kita print di fuji trus tempelin di album bisa juga donk yah..

  5. yap betul ! aku pny dari shutterfly
    dikasih jadi ga tau brp mahal harga nya hi22

  6. lho? tak pikir ngeprint di indo :D ('kan dulu sempet bilang di chat lek pengen print di indo. gak jadi?)

  7. Anas: Ga jadi, karena ada yg bilang ngeprint di Indo elek hehehehe... Lagian pengen cepet2 ngeprint bukune.

  8. wah ya lebih murah ya dari shutterfly.. kudu kita coba nih!!
    thanks for the info!


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