Knocking on the Heaven's door again...

As I count down the days Lan coming back to Liverpool, into my arms, I once more am knocking on the Heaven's door for urgency... I am praying praying and praying that The Lord's hands are upon Lan's UK Visa application, which is NOT out yet. A week to go and there is still NO sign whatsoever that they will grant the visa.
Both Lan and I are anxious and worried, but we try our hardest to build each other's faith and keep on praying that it will come on HIS time. It's some kind of a crazy adventure, I must say... to keep us on the alert all the time, to move us both forward in our faith in Jesus.

We are MORE than conquerors in Jesus Christ.
So here I am... knocking on the Heaven's door again and again for Lan's visa and for my French visa. I know God is more than able. He will bring my husband back into my arms on-time.


  1. All the best for you and Lan yah Sher :)

  2. Lho, koq Lan bisa ngga ada visa?? Apa residence permit-nya sudah habis??

    Anyway, mudah2an semuanya lancar yah! :-)

  3. Hi Sher,

    Salam kenel :)

    And cuma mo bilang gw suka sama postingan lu ini where u really count on God in this situation. Thanks for sharing.

    Entry dikau itu teguran buat aku. Thanks God!

  4. Nie, aku link blog mu boleh tidak?


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