Why do viral infections exist?

Just got back from the doctor to check on my sore throat as well as the fatigue that I have been feeling lately. After an hour wait, it turned out to be a viral infection... Nothing she could do about it, just rest, lots of water and paracetamol. On top of that, it can last up to a week.

Grrr... I hate that.

We also checked on the nauseas and the fatigue. Nope. Pregnancy test turned out to be negative. She said it's possible those are the symptoms for the viral infection, but when the infection is gone and the symptoms are still there, I'm supposed to go back. *sigh...* Do I really have to be sick while Lan's away?

I just hope it goes away soon.

I am getting used to being alone a bit better now. Phone calls are more enjoyable and no-tears involved. We don't do Skype because apparently the Internet at his parents' home is not that good. Certainly not as good as here in UK, Lan said. Oh dear... I just hope when we rent/get our own place, we'll get a better Internet.
We've had several serious discussions on the phone regarding our move back to China. I just pray that things would fall in to places according to God's will.


  1. waah, get well soon!!

    Minggu lalu aku juga kena flu, ga sampe sakit sih, tp ga fit gitu aja :) Kayanya lagi musim kali yah di Eropa? Beberapa temenku juga pada kena flu, hmmmm

  2. Aduh... :-(
    Cepat sembuh ya, Sher. Tapi entah kenapa, aku punya feeling. Entah lah, aku berdoa aja, yang terbaik buat kamu. Buat kalian. :-D

  3. Sher, aww.. get well soon dear. I hope everything works out for good for both of you =)


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