Almost 4 years.

In 3 days, Lan and I will celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary! WOW! 4th year already! I am ecstatic! I am all the more excited in spending all the years to come with him... Over the years, our relationship gets easier. We understand each other better, compromise easier and we definitely are involved in a lot LESS and a lot SHORTER fights. It does take time to adjust from single life into a marriage life, indeed, but it definitly is better when both parties are willing to live the adjustments. And I am glad that we both are willing.

We plan to just celebrate it with a simple dinner, because we're going to Paris in 3 weeks! YAY!
Lan has got his Schengen visa yesterday (a very much shorter time to kill compared to mine!), we've bought our disneyland tickets today and we've planned our time there already. Suitcase is half-packed. I just can't wait!!! *wheeee!*

In the mean time, we're packing and sending stuffs to Beijing like crazy!


  1. waaa asiknya mau ke paris... :D

  2. asiknya sher, mau ke paris :D
    have fun ya.. enjoy ^^

  3. wah, waktu cepat berlalu ya! Tiba2 uda 4 tahun anniversary! Selamat ya!! :)

    Btw, asyiknya mau ke Paris! hehe :D

  4. Waaa udah mo 4th wedding anniversary lagi ya Sher. Ga kerasa, inget2 dulu aku nemu blogmu pas kamu baru mo merit. Waktu bener2 cepet berlalu. Have fun di Paris, dear.

  5. Wow..
    Happy anniversary ya, Sher. 4 years mean a lot.


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