The power of prayers

There's still nothing new on Lan's visa process. I could hear Lan's frustration today when I talked to him on the phone. He's getting really tired of everyone in the family asking how the visa is. He just wants to be home with his family, his own little family, he and I. That's one sweet saying of his today :)
I feel as if we are both just going through the cycle of up and down, when I'm down, he's up and encouraging me, when he's down, I'm up and encouraging him. I wonder how long this going to last, because, I know, both of us are getting really weary.

However, I'll keep praying, he'll keep praying and I am so very much thankful there are so many people who are praying for us; My parents, Daddy Arifin, Daddy Phillip, Helen & Gary, Alex, Louise, Georgia, Aunt Audrey & Fam, and many more...
Yes, I admit that this is so hard to go through and, yes, I'm kind of skeptical at this point, but, I still believe my Father in Heaven hears my prayers, Lan's prayers and everybody else's prayers. I believe He is sorting this visa out for Lan and I. I believe that each passing minute brings us closer to the time when he comes back to my arms.

And I am thankful that I have hope in my dear Heavenly Father, otherwise, I don't know what I'd do now...

Have a great weekend, everyone, a blessed one :)


  1. haesshh bebek juga jadi ikutan anxious deh...

  2. hmm, memang nggak enak yah kalau situasinya nge-"gantung" gitu. Mudah2an segera beres deh!! :)

  3. Amin Amin Sher... You're both in my prayers too, God will make a way at His Perfect time.

  4. sabar ya sher, pasti kelar kok urusannya, jangan stress :)


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