Llandudno - 04 June 2011

This is a long due post since last week, so since I am feeling a bit happy, I thought it's time to post the adventure I had with Michel last Saturday. :)
It was such a beautiful sunny day last Saturday! The perfect Summer day here in the UK, such a rare day, if you know how uncertain the weather here. So, we went on our 4th week day-adventure. We went to Llandudno, a beautiful seaside resort in North Wales. It has a nice bay, pier and summit.

When we got there, we went to ASDA (a supermarket) first for toilet and lunch. We figured, it would be cheaper that way. So, after we got our lunch sorted, we went to find a parking spot, which was quite hard, since there were so many people going there! We're lucky that one lady actually went out and we got her spot. We walked to the bay and had our lunch first, while making sure there were no seagulls coming near to steal our food. :p
Afterwards, we walked along the bay and the pier. The wind was acceptable and the view was so breathtaking! I really loved being there and just looking at the scenery! A truly beautiful city.
After we walked to the end of the pier, stayed there to watch the jellyfish floating around aimlessly, we started to walk on the direction towards the summit of the Great Orme. There were 3 ways to get up to the summit; hike up there (around 2km), cable car, or the tram. I didn't really want to hike up there, since it was so steep and I was feeling exhausted mentally. So, we checked the price of the cable car first, since I've never been on a cable car. It would cost a bit more than £7.00 to get a return ticket on the cable car, which is a bit expensive for us, hence, we decided to check the Great Orme Tramway instead. The tram was way cheaper, £5.80 for a return ticket per person. That was good!
As we got on the tram ride, the view was absolutely stunning! I loved how green it is there, so beautiful and beyond words to describe. I think the 2 most favourite places for me in the UK would be York and Wales! They have beautiful sceneries as well as the English style that I expected it to be when I first arrived here in the UK.
As we went up, the air became chiller. I was having the worst of it, since I was wearing shorts hehehe... The wind was also stronger higher up, so we didn't stay for long up there. We took a half-way walk down, before getting on the tram to finally go down to town. I was just glad we did not hike up there, because, even going down, it was so difficult due to the stiffness. :)
Afterwards, we walked around the neighbourhood and were admiring the beautiful houses. I loved this town. We were there from around 1pm to 6pm, had fun and especially thankful about the beautiful weather. We were all tired and hungry on the way home, I had to keep reminding Michel to drive safely, hehehe.

All in all, I had a great time. Thanks, Michel, for a great day out! :)

Ps. Click on the pics to view them larger.


  1. dari pier nya bisa keliatan jellyfish sher? lucu banget ya... :D

  2. Arman: Iya Man, jellyfishnya banyak banget lagi hehehe...

  3. jellyfish sampe skrg g gak tau kae apa sih ? kae jelly ? wahh senengnya bisa jalan2 yah .

  4. tram-nya cute!! Btw, pemandangannya keren yah, ada pier dan bangunannya gitu! :)

    Disini kayanya di Scheveningen juga kaya gitu, tp dulu pas kesana pas cuaca jelek, jadi langsung gak mood deh, wahahaha....


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