Cheshire Oaks

Today, for the first time since March, I drove again! Lan and I rented a car (we got a Ford Focus) and (I) drove to the McArthur Glen Factory Outlet in Cheshire Oaks.

First time driving without instructor (since having the UK license).
First time driving 70mph on the motorway.

Boy I was NERVOUS!!!!
We used the free Ovi map on my Nokia phone (Thanks, Mich, for this ;))
I missed a few turns, went on the wrong exit on a roundabout, but we eventually got there safely (and back!)

It wasn't an enjoyable drive yet for me. I was trying real hard to make sure I drove properly. But overall, we had fun! Lan shopped lots more than I did. He got a nice pair of Timberland boots, a suit and a few other things :)
It was nice to not have to carry our things around, we could just put them in the car booth and start walking again!!

Ps. Thanks, honey, for believing in my ability :)


  1. mesti sering2 nyetir sher biar lancar...

  2. bener tuh, mesti sering nyetir biar lancar. Kalo di Indo lebih gila lagi kan ya nyetirnya, haha... :P (gatau nih gimana my ability nyetir sekarang, terakhir nyetir ya sehari sebelum pindahan Europe, trus disini gak pernah nyetir, wahahaha... :P)

    Btw, SIM di Eropa kan berlakunya practically seumur hidup kan yah? hmmm

  3. Nyetir di kanan ato kiri yah UK itu?
    Driving scares me..:(

  4. Elrica: di UK nyetir di kanan, kayak Indo n SG ;)
    Ntar di Beijing nyetir kiri hahah that's gonna be interesting...


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