
Showing posts from January, 2006


Hupla! No feelings for this weekend. Toh, biarpun weekend, tetep aja ada papers yang harus dibaca and do research on! Yah... semoga punya cukup motivasi untuk menyelesaikannya, kalo gak yah... paling-paling diomelin sama partner segrup. Hari ini, pulang dari kampus, seperti biasa aku cek mailbox di front-office. Eh... ternyata daku dapet kiriman dari Adjie . Sekeping MP3 CD penuh dengan lagu-lagu rohani! Langsung deh aku bukan and dengerin! Lagunya bagus-bagus! Thank you very much ya, Djie! Jarang-jarang bisa dapet stock lagu rohani baru, apalagi karena di sini CD mahal dan tentunya lagu rohani Indonesia mana masuk pasaran sini?! Hehehe... Yo wes... gitu wae. Aku dah tepar. Mo tidur, ngantuks! God bless you all! Have a great weekend! [Ps. 1] Eh... Gong Xi Fa Chai for those, who celebrate it! Saya selalu bersedia menerima dengan senang hati kalau ada yang ikhlas mau nyumbang hung bao buat saya. [Ps. 2] Sudah hampir febuary yah... Time flies like mad!

Naseb anak kuliahan...

Hari ke tiga untuk semester kedua, badan sudah terasa tepar... mata terasa perih dan sakit, otak terasa hang dan serasa perlu istirahat yang super duper panjang. Gak tau ada apa dengan badan ini... memang sih 3 hari ini diforsir terus, di kampus tiap hari dari jam 10 sampe jam 3 atau jam 4 sore *dan kadang ga sempet makan siang* karena urusan lagi banyak-banyaknya. Harus bolak-balik ke bank lah, harus bolak-balik ke kantor lah, ambil surat referensi lah, rapat representasi lah, belum lagi harus ke perpustakaan untuk pinjem buku. Belum lagi hari ini dapet doorprize dari dosen! Kami disuruh memilih pasangan, jadi satu grup terdiri dari 2 orang. Dan temanku si Lan minta aku satu kelompok sama dia, yo uwis aku langsung setuju wae, lagian dia kan pinter dan rajin. Toh kalo aku tolak, aku mau sekelompok sama sapa? Apanya yang mau dipilih? Wong cowok semua sekelas kecuali aku. Nahhhh!! Doorprizenya itu... ada yang tahu?! Kelompokku terpilih sebagai kelompok pertama yang melakukan resear...

Fallen Expectation

I managed to get myself out of bed on-time this morning, ready to go to Uni. I just ignored the headache so that I don't get bothered by it. Got in to the lecture room as the earliest attendant and was really looking forward to see the new girl person. One, two, three familiar faces came in as the lecture was about to start. Then, a completely unfamiliar face showed up. It was a BOY !!! My friend, Lan, who sat next to me instantly laughing after seeing my face expression. What?! Another boy?! Out of disbelief, it is true... he is the one, who my fried thought was a girl. Yeah... thanks to him, I put my hope high that the person would be a girl. Huhuhu... So yeah... now it's even tougher for me. A girl competing with 11 boys. Just great and perfect. *Kali ini emang cocok ini posting bertopik "Perawan di sarang penyamun" atau "Kembang di antara kambing" . Pilih salah satu deh, yang mana yg sreg buat anda-anda.* That's not all for the day... The fir...

Painful headache

As requested by Rita Unexpected as the outcome of a rolling dice is the future of humans. We never know what may come in the next hour, day, week or year. - nie @ 22 January 2006 [Ps.] It's not always easy to find such quotes, sayings or thoughts especially when it is a specific request. I tried to think all over again and again to come up with a different quote, but again and again the same quote comes up. And it's the one above. I hope you like it, dd Rwitz! I did not do much this weekend. Simply because I kept getting the same painful headache from the moment I opened my eyes everyday. It bothers me so much that I start to wonder what causes this pain. Oen-oen said anemia or even lack of oxygen in my brain... Well those are really something for a guess! And then I asked my dad about it, he said, maybe it's got something to do with my glasses prescription being out of date. Maybe he's right... but then again I feel that my eyesight is fine and just a thought of ...

Hujan Badai & Nostalgia

Sekali-kali break dulu ah posting pake bahasa Inggrisnya. Kenapa yah hari-hari libur tuh selalu bergulir cepat sekali?! Menyebalkan! Hari Senin, besok lusa, aku sudah mesti kembali ke Universitas. Kembali ke kehidupan yang setiap harinya bolak balik kampus 5 days a week. Gak kerasa banget sudah memasuki pertengahan kurikulum jurusan Master. Aku yakin di balik semua stress serta kesibukan yang nantinya harus aku nikmati derita, waktu akan berjalan dengan tidak terasa sampai-sampai aku tersadar bahwa semuanya sudah berakhir. Yah... kita lihat saja bagaimana aku akan bertahan. Kenapa judulnya nyebut hujan badai? Huhuhu... tadi pagi subuh-subuh Liverpool diterpa hujan badai. Hujannya deres banget dan anginnya kencenggggg setengah mati! Sampe aku kebangun dari tidur. Gara-garanya itu, air hujan yang menerpa jendela bunyinya nyaring bener! Aku sempet takut kacanya bakal pecah. Tapi untungnya itu cuma ketakutanku aja. Trus trus, koq ada nostalgianya? Huhuhu... malem ini aku janjian dinner ...

Exam is DONE!

Yipieeeeeee!! The first semester exam is now officially over for me. Now I have almost a week to rest and prepare for the second semester, which starts on Monday. Time is running and flying!! Anyway, on my second and hardest exam yesterday, I was in a situation that I've never been before. It was two exams held in one theatre. There were about 300 students taking the other exam and 4 of us taking the Master exam. And guess what? Among those many people, I was the only female! Even the exam supervisors were both males. And during the 150 minutes exam, I think those supervisors noticed and talked about me being different. Hohoho... I feel like a man there! However, my friend told me that I won't be the diva the only girl anymore in the class, because there is a girl coming to the course this semester. Well, I hope that's true, because I desperately need a friend of my kind: a female friend . I think that's all for now, friends! I hope you enjoy the rest of the week w...

Say a little prayer

That's right... one thing that keeps me alive all these years was prayers. Honestly, as a person, I am fragile inside. I cry easily, break down easily, worry easily, want to give up easily and complain about this and that easily, too... This is the real me. One that makes my parents, especially my Mum, worry so much. However, there is one powerful thing in this world that can keep a person alive, even the most fragile person. It's PRAYER . I am thankful, so much grateful to those, who never fail to say their prayers for me each time of their lives; my parents, my brothers and sisters, my friends, my Oma Darto, my family... They all give me strength and the will to carry on living, to continue whatever I'm doing no matter how hard and impossible things are. They all make me feel loved. I, too, don't get lonely here or there without my family because of prayers... It's a way to communicate with my Lord, my Father in Heaven... Yes, He is my Friend, my Father, my Saviou...


Thank you for the prayers and the good-luck wishes from all of you for my exams. The first one went well. A one-hour exam with plenty of tricky questions surely gave me something to think about, but it was alright, I think. Not too hard, just required a careful thinking in it. Well, the next one is not until Monday... that one is the one I am most worried about. It covers so much stuff and I don't even know how to remember all of them. Well... fingers crossed for that one. I just have to do my best in it. Right now, I am also starting my job hunting. It is something that I have never done and too lazy to do *that's why I escape by doing a Master degree *, but now, I have no way to escape. So I just have to face it and start early. I know I won't finish until September 2006 and won't graduate until December 2006, but I think the earlier the better. That way I'll have more choices and chances in getting into one of those jobs I apply for. So... please pray for me, f...