
Tonight is so scary... the wind is blowing so strong! I am even afraid that the window will break! *how exagerating you are, Sherly! Hihihi...*
Niwei... exam tomorrow!Please pray for me and wish me luck... In the middle of my study, I am watching the Korean dramas Stairway to Heaven and Wonderful Life. Both are good in their own ways! Watching wonderful life makes me laugh almost all the time. Watching stairway to heaven makes me wanna cry hard!! *it's so touchy!*

Well... I wonder when Indonesia will make dramas as good as those Korean's... I really wonder...
Anyway, that's all for now. I am going to sleep now... trying hard to wake up on time tomorrow!

Have a good week, everyone!


  1. doain dari sini deh sher biar kamu ga grogi besok exam :), ayo jangan blogwalking aza xixixie, met bobok ya.

  2. hai sher, kangen nih :)
    gimana exam nya ? sukses kan, aduh sher baca tulisan kamu aku jadi kepengin nonton juga ah film korea itu

  3. sher sukses ujiannya ya!!!


  4. hey sheeer..

    film korea emang banyak yg bagus-bagus tapi banyak juga yg ngebosenin tapi emang lebih parah indoesia, padahal dulu sinetron indonesia gak separah ini masih ada keluarga cemara yg bisa membuat ku menangis tersedu-sedu tapi tetep realistis :P

  5. ehm mungkin orang-orang indo ga ada yang romantis kali ya???? :p

    ehm kecuali gue tentunya wakakakakaka

  6. dah nonton "april snow" korean drama belum? katanya sih dapat rating tertinggi di japan...(walaupun aku jg belum nonton :p )

  7. Wah kok kita gak dapet yah film2x korea ituw?? Jadi penasaran..;))


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