Thank you for the prayers and the good-luck wishes from all of you for my exams. The first one went well. A one-hour exam with plenty of tricky questions surely gave me something to think about, but it was alright, I think. Not too hard, just required a careful thinking in it.
Well, the next one is not until Monday... that one is the one I am most worried about. It covers so much stuff and I don't even know how to remember all of them. Well... fingers crossed for that one. I just have to do my best in it.
Right now, I am also starting my job hunting. It is something that I have never done and too lazy to do *that's why I escape by doing a Master degree*, but now, I have no way to escape. So I just have to face it and start early. I know I won't finish until September 2006 and won't graduate until December 2006, but I think the earlier the better. That way I'll have more choices and chances in getting into one of those jobs I apply for. So... please pray for me, friends. Thank you very much!
Oh well... that's all for now. I wish you all well! If I don't post until then, have a blessed weekend!
Well, the next one is not until Monday... that one is the one I am most worried about. It covers so much stuff and I don't even know how to remember all of them. Well... fingers crossed for that one. I just have to do my best in it.
Right now, I am also starting my job hunting. It is something that I have never done and too lazy to do *that's why I escape by doing a Master degree*, but now, I have no way to escape. So I just have to face it and start early. I know I won't finish until September 2006 and won't graduate until December 2006, but I think the earlier the better. That way I'll have more choices and chances in getting into one of those jobs I apply for. So... please pray for me, friends. Thank you very much!
Oh well... that's all for now. I wish you all well! If I don't post until then, have a blessed weekend!
To someone:
Let's continue knitting our days to a beautiful memory.
Take my hands for the second chance.
Pray truthfully that He will permit.
Love you...
[Ps.] This time, be good to me!
ReplyDeletemet tahun baru..
yang pasti nih sher...aku mendoakan yang terbaik buat kamu :)
supaya cepet lulus, cepet dapet kerja dan cepet kawin he..he.. becanda lho sher...yang utama pikirin dulu kuliahnya yaaaaaa....
ya udah... aku doain semoga kamu cepet dapet kerjaan yah sher.
ReplyDeletehayuh hayuuh dah jadi job seeker yah hehe tahapan hidup yg harus dilalui :D smoga cepet dapet kerjaan sher. Jiyeeh kayanya ada kabar2 membahagiakan dengan yayang ;))
ReplyDeleteWah Sherly layout baru, Met taon baru yah, telat nih, soalnya baru bisa online lagi..he.he.
ReplyDeleteabout scary wheater, katanya perubahan drastis bakal terjadi di Inggris 5 tahun mendatang. suhu bakalan drop 5' dari suhu normal...wah kudu punya coat banyak yah.
BTW, semoga examnya sukses yah
good job!! job hunting itu bener-bener good job...wakakakakakak apaan sih???:p
ReplyDeleteayo semangat :)
Hebring mau nyari kerjaan..:)*acung jempol*
ReplyDeleteGw doain Sher biar sukses dapet kerjaan yang oke banget, gaji melebihi oke banget, jangan lupa yang di Veghel yaak..dim sum2x ajah siih boleh dooonk...wakakakaka..
gantian dong skarang aku yg butuh didoain mo uas nih.. hehe
ReplyDeleteWah...sama donk, jadi job sekker mudah-mudah cepat dapet yang terbaik ya Sher...Amiennn
ReplyDeletesher..selamet yah buat ujiane....soal job hunting,aku doain semoga berhasil deh neng....weleh ganti le-ot udahan yak..*kagum*
ReplyDeletebalikan lagi ama cuncun ya
suit suit suit
*nari pom2*
wah asyik deh ujiannya sukese... sukses juga yah buat job seekernya:) *aca-aca fighting*
ReplyDeletemet wiken juga sher.. sorry nih baru sempet mampir.. dan, congrats juga ama si yayang *_*
Sher.... tuh kan ujiannya lancar, ikut seneng deh.
ReplyDeleteSekarang doain biar cepet dapet kerjaan yuaa, biar bisa mampir ke boxtel n potong rambut bareng ama Adinda xixixie...
heheh...sher curious sama yang tulisan di kotak di bagian bawah postingan itu tuch...;p
ReplyDeleteTetap semangat, yah, sayang..! :-)
ReplyDeletegood luck for everything, sher!! untuk job huntingnya .. untuk examsnya juga.
ReplyDeleteayo tebaaak itu asli apa palsu? hehe
ReplyDeleteWaaahh... moga2 cepet2 dapet pekerjaa yang sesuai yah!!! ^^ Senangnya udha kerjaa... xD~ kan asik gak perlu mikirin ujian, tugas, dll kek kuliah dan sekolah.. :D
ReplyDeleteselamat berakhir pekan ya! :)
kalo dah dapet kerjo ojo lali nraktir konco rek! kalo enggak ogut sumpahin tambah embem deh ekekee *jokez
ReplyDeleteTapi enaknya kawin duloe deh :p tapi sak karepmu seh ekekekee D
huhuhu enak euy km msh muda taun depan dah S2, aq mah boro2 :(
ReplyDeletebtw aq biz kopdaran niy :P
hi sherly...
ReplyDeleteI hope you get a good mark....A+ yach hehehehhe.......
awawaawawawa my baby girl mau hunting kerjaan :) ......well I wish you a good luck jangan picky2 yach ....yang penting pengalaman dulu ....mwuahhh
have a good weekend
Very cool design! Useful information. Go on!