Looking back at 2005

Ngeliat di blognya ew tentang refleksi dari tahun lalu, jadi pengen deh ngelakuin hal yang sama. So here we go...
  • January: Got a conditional offer on my Master course application. Very tired and messed up with my exams. There were also times when doubts arise about Oen... it's the quietness of that person *too quiet*.
  • Febuary: The last semester for my BSc started. It was the hardest of all 6 semesters. Works piled up so fast and worn me out at the end of it. In this month, I went to Birmingham for Chinese new year with Viona. *miss you girl!*
  • March: Not much happened. Mid of March, holiday began; went to Southport with Sarah and Zu (my classmates). Started to study for my last set of exams.
  • April: Had unpleasant time with Oen. I was suffering. Got a news that my bro is not going to Univ. of Liverpool. Sad but... what else can I do? Missing my sister, Grace, badly.
  • May: The 6th was the last day of lectures. The 19th was the last day of exams for BSc. I was unofficially finished doing my BSc course. Felt so relieved yet so worned out and stressed. After that, I was busy organizing my friend's 21st birthday party.
  • June: Moving out to live with Viona (since my contract ended already). Had fun cooking together all the time. Oen's brother-in-law passed away after having demam berdarah. The first time I heard him cried... The 16th, my final marks came out. Got First class *Thanks God!* Had a hard time accepting the fact that my parents are not attending my Graduation just because of a stupid mistakes! (But I finally got around it). Was not really looking forward to graduation because of that very reason.
  • July: The big moment! The 6th of July, I was officially graduated with a BSc(Hons) degree in Mathematics. I was very glad that at least my god-father came to attend my graduation. The three years labour had paid off well. I was able to smile, then. I can't stop thanking God for His guidance in my life. The 10th, get back to Denpasar, Bali safely. (After the bombing on the 7th of July in London) I was all shaking and nervous to see my family again. I missed them so much, that I was leaping with joy to see them again. I was glad that I can make my parents proud of me. At least they did not pay my tuition fee for nothing.
  • August: The first time after about three years not seeing each other, my greatest friend, Yulia, came to visit me in Bali for several days. I was so glad! Had a great time with her! Did a lot of sharing... 21st August, my uncle's wedding (so tiring). 27-28th... second anniversary of my relationship with Oen.
  • September: Went back to Liverpool, UK with a heavy heart to start on my MSc in Computer Science. 26th... found out that I was the only girl out of 11 MSc students in the course. Suffered for the things I knew and Oen didn't... *Sorry dear.*
  • October: Another bombing in Kuta, Bali. Found out that my junior high school friend was one of the victims. Suffered even more deep inside that it was killing me. Missing my family and Yulie... *needed a stress relief desperately*
  • November: Got really busy with assignments. *not sure how I managed to did them all* The 8th, single... The 18th, 21st birthday *I really am getting old!* spending the day in the campus with lectures and tutorials and the evening watching Harry Potter with a friend.
  • December: Suddenly missed my Mum so much that it brought tears to my eyes. Impatiently waiting to go to Brighton to spend the holiday with my bro. Kept getting sick. Had a boring day in St. Helens. Stressed being the team leader while doing a project. Arrived in Brighton safely on 19th. Wandering around the towns for 5 hours just becoz we got on the wrong bus to go to my bro's place! Having great time with my bro! Going around the city, taking photos, watching Japanese/Korean dramas, cooking plenty of food to fatten him up! Hehehe...

So... that was my previous year. A lot of things happened. A lot of tears dropped. Plenty of wounds left scars in my heart and memory. However, they all were good lessons for me to face my life ahead. Despite of what happened, I thank my Father in Heaven for the abundance of love, peace, joy and blessing that He poured out last year.
This year... I promise myself I will do better. I will learn more, try a little bit more, grow up more and strengthen myself more... Thank you, Lord.
[My new year's resolution]: Finish my MSc course in December 2006 with a distinction grade! *Lord, help me in this. Amen.*


  1. Sherly, selamat tahun baru ya. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend... (the one that you lost cus of the bombing...). Mudah2an tahun 2006 keadaan bisa lebih baik ya. Terus semoga resolusi tahun barunya bisa tercapai ok? Yg semangat ya di sana hehe

  2. hehehe kalo dipikir-pikir apa yang telah kita lalui begitu berat...tapi semuanya sekarang sudah bisa dilalui...

    tetap semangat di dalam JC ya

  3. Selamat tahun baru!!! :) .... banyak yang sudah kita lalui di tahun 2005... ada suka maupun duka.. namun bagaimana pun juga kita harus terus semangat!!!! semoga tahun 2006 akan lebih baik dibanding tahun 2005 lalu ya!!!! dan semoga juga bakal banyak 'suka'-nya dibanding dukanya!!!!! SEMANGAT!!!!

    p.s: layout barunya kewl banget!!!!! xD saya suka desain tangganya.. kereen!!!!

  4. Met Tahun Baruuu sherlyyy....banyak yah yg terjadi di taun ini semoga taun depan bisa lebih baik lagih :D caiyooo

  5. Wish you good luck for your Msc, Sherly! Keep on trying, ya.. :-)

  6. wah inget semuanya in 2005 yah..hebat!!

    met belated new year ya!! all the best! :)

  7. Weew.. bagus banget rumah baru elo Sher..ajarin dunk..;)

    Waduh masih inget apa-apa yang terjadi selama taun 2005 yak..Gw lupa semua tuuuw...maklum udah ubanan..kekekke..

    Sukses ya say di taun 2006!!

  8. Wah, bagus Sher refleksinya.. Semoga ke depannya bisa lebih baik.. lebih sukses dalam segala hal.. Amin.

    Leotnya manis banget, ga nyangka punya bakat terpendam.. hehe..


  9. sherly, selamat natal dan tahun baru ya! semoga tahun ini lebih baik daripada tahun kemarin!


  10. Met taon baru yah, Sher!! Moga new year's resolutionnya terwujud. harus donk?!

    Iya Sher, emang banyak yah yang udah dilewatin taon 2005 kemaren, cuman skrg aku lg wondering, taon 2006 gmn yah? Pasti lebih banyak lagi hal baru yang akan aku lewatin, apa lg aku uda lulus gini and kudu start something new. Doain yah....

  11. sherly selamat tahun baru, semoga sukses dgn studimu, sehat dan lancar selalu dlm berkat Tuhan :)


  12. wah sebagian besar soal studi ya jadi tahun 2005 penuh dengan studi wis... semoga sukses aja sher seperti yang kamu bilang, S1 Matematika, S2 Computer n Science, Begitu kerja jadi dokter hiihiii... :D


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