Quick Shout

Back from Brighton, the first thing on my mind was to go to University to hand it my 5000-words essay. Fiuh... That's done now!
However, I still have to study for my exams, which take place on 11th, 16th and 17th. Hopefully they aren't that hard, since two of those modules I had done something similar before. *pray for me please...*

It feels very quite, indeed, since I came back from Brighton... Missing my bro very much. As a result, I played with photoshop and made a layout for his blog. Thank God he really likes it.

Anyway, that's a quick update from me. Just to say Have a blessed weekend, everyone! Take care!


  1. sukses n mulus buat examny yach Sher v^0^v btw iya nich postingny byk image yach hehe ^_^, btw updateny bisa barengan gitu tgl 6 hehe ^0^

    met weekend n take care 2 yo ^0^

  2. wah makin jago aja nih...

    keep the good work ya

  3. Eh mbak.. saya suka layout yang buat adiknya ^^ Baguss.. XD

  4. Sukse ya Sher..duh kok gw jd ikut deg2xan..lah elo yg mau ujian kooookk..:)
    Take care ya Sher..:)

  5. good luck buat examnya!! have a nice weekend :3

  6. waduh sher udah bisa bikin layout,cakep lagi layoutnya..pengne jg bisa bikin layout,tp bolot nih otaakk,hiks hiks..

    met wiken ya

  7. journey to the end! selamat menempuh agenda, sher! good luck for the exam.

  8. sukses studynya yach. Have a beautiful sunday !

  9. good luck yah sher buat examnya... wah, dah canggih... hebat deh:) met wiken juga..

  10. Hai Sher, salam kenal balik yach... en sukses ama examnya..GBU.


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